Upcoming events for Year 9

There are a number of events for Year 9 coming up which Parents and Carers should be aware of:


Monday – College Athletics Carnival

Boys wear joggers, college shorts and a plain t-shirt in the colour of their house to school. The carnival will conclude around 4:45pm. Parents of day students should adjust departure times in the portal before Sunday night if they wish for their sons to leave at 5pm.

All boys are expected to attend the carnival. I realise that there will be a few boys (and parents) who have already decided to have the day off. I spoke to the boys about the importance of giving everything a go, even it is not ‘their thing’. This is part of the Joeys culture and, I believe, a good attitude to have towards everything in life. We do ask for your support with this and please let me know if you wish to discuss it further.


Tuesday 1 March

7:45am: Dance practice in the basketball gym for the upcoming dance with Loreto.

6:15pm (during night study): Session on academic and personal goal setting with myself and David Hill.

Friday 4 March

7:45am: Dance practice in the basketball gym for the upcoming dance with Loreto.


Saturday 5 March

Summer sports rally in the Hall at 6:30pm. All boys are expected to attend, dress is blues.


Wednesday 9 March

6:30 Dance with Loreto Normanhurst in the Hall at SJC. Day boys can depart around 8:45pm


Saturday 12 March

Head of the River at Penrith followed by Rowing Rally in the Hall. All boys are expected to attend.