Top 10 borrowers


By digesting books, I am creating myself. You are what you read.” Malcom Knox

Reading is the single most important skill a person can master, but it does not come naturally and many people struggle. Reading is a skill that is mastered by practicing, much like mastering any other skill such as riding a bike, playing football or playing a musical instrument. The more you read, the better you will be at it, and the more you will enjoy it. All the research points to a strong positive correlation between time spent reading, academic achievement and long-term emotional wellbeing.

It is critical that children read content they enjoy, to find a book that connects with them and try to spend at least 10 – 20 minutes a day on quiet sustained reading. Before going to sleep is perfect! The staff in the Resources Centre encourage all boys to come to the library to borrow a book and if they are unsure about what to read, we are more than happy to make suggestions. Alternatively, they can view books recommended by other Joeys boys on our HUB website.

Below is a list of the Top 10 borrowers for Year 9 in Term 1. These boys are all well on their way to academic success and emotional wellbeing. Well done boys!

  1. Mitchell Hoare
  2. Hugh Bokenham
  3. Ted Hines
  4. Curtis Fricot
  5. George Johnson
  6. Michael Jones
  7. Zac Lawler
  8. William Qiu
  9. Nicholas Mirow



A quote from Andy Griffiths which for me sums up the power of books…


For me, books – both reading and writing them – have always represented an opportunity to take a walk on the wild side. To leave the comfortable, well-ordered confines of normality and go to where the wild things are. And not to play with the wild things, but to go inside their minds. To become a wild thing. And to become a wild thing so completely and utterly that, when you shut the book, you have totally forgotten you have even laboured under the delusion that you were a human being.”


Happy Reading!!


Linda Roden | Head of Library
St Joseph’s College | Mark Street, Hunters Hill, NSW 2110 | Locked Bag 5009, Gladesville, NSW 1675
T +61 2 9816 0854 | F +61 2 9817 1208 | E| W

St Joseph’s College – excellence in boys’ education since 1881