Summer Sports Rally

Below is some information about the Summer Sports Rally this coming Saturday. A reminder that this is a compulsory event.

Time: The boys are to be seated in the Hall by 6.10pm for a 6.30pm start. It will finish at approx. 7.30pmDress: Full Blues (Blazer and Blue pants)

 Logistics: the boys can as per usual head home after their sporting fixture and then return for the Rally. It would be great if the boys could go straight to the Hall and avoid coming up to the dorms.

Lunch leaves

The information below was sent to the boys yesterday. I thought it would be helpful for us all to know. 

1. You need to complete a lunch leave submission on Boardingware in order to go on the lunch leave. Please tell your parents that you will do this.
2. All boys attending the lunch leave need to complete a submission.

3. The Year 12 area is totally out of bounds. You are not to have lunch leaves down in the Year 12 area and are not to play touch football or anything like this on the Year 12 Volleyball courts.

4. You cannot have lunch in the Year 12 Common Room

5. The Year 12 area is for the Year 12 students.

Headmasters Assembly

Tasman and Tom both received awards today at the for excellent sporting achievements. Tasman scored 22 v Sydney Boys High and 20 points against Newington in the 13A’s Basketball and Tom took 5/5 for against against Sydney Boys High in the 13B’s cricket. 

The Year 7 boys pictured all sang as members of the choir today and did a sterling job. 

Declan performed in front of the entire school today and was absolutely brilliant. While he was nervous prior to this he showed no sign of it and performed like a professional. Well done Declan. 

Upcoming Events

Saturday March 11 Summer Sports Rally in the Hall @ 6.30pm

Colo group 2 Tuesday March 14-17

Saturday March 18 AAGPS Head of the River followed by the Rowing Rally

Monday March 20 Feast of st Joseph and College Athletics Carnival

Further detail about these events will follow but please record these dates in your calendar. 


A reminder that Vaccinations will take place on March 21. If your son has not brought home the vaccination form please ask him to collect another from the Health Centre. If these forms could be returned as soon as possible that would be very helpful. 

Boarders over the Weekend

Rain again played havoc with the Saturday Sport Fixtures but there were a few activities over the weekend. Mr Heagney and Mr McKay took a group of boarders to Macquarie Centre to play laser tag and ten pin. Mr Heagney taught everyone how the play ten pin but the boys got their revenge at Daytona. 

The boys also went the Aquatic Centre at Homebush on Sunday afternoon and attended the Sunday evening Boarders Mass.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Ash Wednesday opens Lent, a season of fasting and prayer. As a College we celebrated this with a Liturgy and talked about the importance of prayer. Year 7 have been encouraged to embrace this and were reminded of the significance of the ashes – the dust from which God made us. 

Award Recipients at the Headmasters Assembly 

Harrison Carberry and Alex De Bortoli received awards at the Headmasters Assembly today. Harrison received his award for taking 5 for 2 against Sydney Boys High in cricket while Alex received his award for 16 points and 10 rebounds in basketball against Sydney Boys High. 

Award Recipients 

The boys below received awards for outstanding application in class at today’s year meeting

The boys below received awards for their outstanding efforts at Colo last week. 

Year 7 French

Mrs Bowers’ Year 7 French class spent time quizzing each other on different aspects of the language. It was great to see so many eager and enthusiastic young men having a go at some very challenging concepts. Well done boys.