Lenten Appeal Cake Stall

LENTEN APPEAL FOR THE NEW MARIST SCHOOL IN TIMOR-LESTE – RECESS CAKE STALL: On Friday 19 May the SJC Mission Office, in conjunction with the P&F, is running a cake stall at recess (10.40am-11.00am). Your Year Reps will be asking families to bake or buy cakes, biscuits and slices and send them in (drop items to your sons’ ref – Year 7 to the Year 8 ref). They are also asking for some parents to come and run the cake stall and for the boys to bring $5 (or more) to buy a plate of delicious items.


Cake boxes will be available from reception.

Enquiries: Kelly Oastler, SJC Mission Office T: 9816 0928.


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