Year 7 Dinner Friday June 1

Tomorrow night the boys have been asked to do the following:

1. Wear greys to school
2. Pack BLUES and sport/casual clothes (if not in their press). They will have free time or sport training from 3.30-5 so getting out of their greys and into sports/casual clothes is recommended.
3. Showers at 5pm in the dorms and get dressed into their BLUES
4. We will meet you all down at the Hall from 6.15pm. If you could avoid coming up to the dorms before this it would be appreciated as it will be pretty full on up there.
5. The dinner will finish around 10pm. I have asked that there are no overnights for Boarders as it is pretty tricky to administer and with it already being a late night it becomes somewhat difficult for the staff on duty in the dorms after the event

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