Centenary of Armistace: The Poppy Project

This Friday the SJC OBU will host a commemorative Mass and luncheon to honour all Old Boys who have been involved in conflict and for those who have made the supreme sacrifice in the service of their country.

At 11.00am, the bells of the College will ring out, as they did across the Western Front and around the world, heralding the end of what the world hoped would be the war to end all wars.

As a feature of the commemoration of Armistice and Remembrance Day 2018, ‘The Poppy Project’ has involved our community. It is estimated more than 6000 poppies have been received. The depth of feeling that went into the making of these poppies, and the stories of families who participated in remembrance of someone they knew who has served, represent the love, honour and respect of those who participated. These are now displayed on the Circular Lawn and on the cross in the Chapel.

With the support of the Religion and TAS departments, the Resource Centre has had each student from Years 7 to 11 attach a poppy to the cross or a stem to a poppy while acknowledging the name and date of the fallen, often a member of their family.

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