Music Concert

Just a reminder about the Music Concert this Friday night in the Music Centre. Only a small number of boys (21) are performing and they have been contacted in relation to this. Dinner will be provide for them and will be served at 5.45pm. The boys need to be in the Music Centre at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Spring Fair – A Message from the Parent Reps

Dear SJC parents and carers,

Welcome back to the final term of 2018 as we prepare for the celebration of Spring Fair, following Family Mass on Sunday 11 November. With a little over three weeks to go we are really ramping up the organisation and energy.

As we all know, our Fair would not be a success without our enormous contingent of amazing volunteers from all year groups. We thank you for your participation and appreciate your ongoing support. Please click on these links to volunteer your time and meet more of your fellow parents.

The Year 7 Parents each year, look after the White Elephant Stall. We are calling all parents to come along and assist for a few hours on Friday 9 November, Saturday 10 November or/and Sunday 11 November. It is a great way to make new friends and it is a lot of fun and a great way to raise funds for the College. If you are able to volunteer some time can you please indicate this on the ink below.

Invite a Boarder Home

Being the final term and a short term at that, I thought it would be a good opportunity to promote the idea of taking a Year 7 Boarding Student home for the weekend or even a nice home cooked meal. Although the Day Students and Boarders mingle on a daily basis I think some time together away from the College is a good opportunity for boys from different backgrounds to come together and form tight bonds.

We have promoted this a bit with the boys throughout the year and it was pleasing to see a number of Day Students head home with some Boarders at the end of Term 3.

For this to take place, the parents of each boy would need to communicate the specifics of the leave and the parents of the Boarding Student would then need to put a leave through on Boardingware.

Lunch Leaves

As discussed earlier in the week via email, Lunch Leaves will not be available for week 3. This will commence on Monday October 29 and will finish on Friday November 2 pending an improvement in the boys behaviour.

Regretfully I have made this decision based on recent events and correspondence from staff, parents and members of the wider community.

Webinar – Black Dog Institute

Free webinar for parents from The Black Dog Institute
Navigating Your Teen’s Mental Health
24 October 2018, 6.30pm-7.30pm

Delivered by a trained presenter with lived experience of mental illness, you will gain an insight into what it’s like to grow up as a young person with a mental illness.

You will learn:
• about anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder
• how to spot early warning signs in young people
• when and where to seek help
• how to support a young person you care about

For further information, please click on this link

Saturday Sport

Wet weather is forecast for the weekend. Please remember to check the College website and the Joeys Twitter page for regular updates. I will send emails as soon as I can but the quickest source of information will be these sites.

Friday Night BBQ’s

With the weather warming up, the bbq’s are back on! Every Friday night the Year 7 boys will head over to the park to have a game of touch, a bit of cricket and a mice snag or two. Who doesn’t love a bbq in summer!

This is not just for the boarders in fact it would be great if plenty of Day Students could join us. The more the merrier. Please take this into account when looking at your sons departure times for the upcoming weeks.

Key Events

This term there are three compulsory events:

1. Family Mass – Sunday November 11

2. Spring Fair – Sunday November 11

3. College Swimming Carnival – Wednesday November 14

Please mark these dates in your calendar.

Welcome Back

Welcome to Term Four! As mentioned in the emails earlier this week, this will be a fast paced term. With only 7.5 and examinations to finish it will be Christmas before we know it.

The boys have been encouraged this week to really apply themselves in the classroom. While these upcoming examinations are not the be all and end all, it is important that the boys make a good go of the examination period and work to the best of their ability.

We will be focusing heavily on study techniques in evening study during our collaborative sessions in the library. This week the boys looked at Q&A’s as a revision tool.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the boys listed below over the school holidays. We hope you all had a wonderful birthday.

Award recipients at the Headmasters Assembly

Alex and Jai collected pennants on behalf of their teams after a successful Winter Sports Season. Congratulations to the 13A and 13F Rugby teams and the 13C Football team on winning the pennant.

Gaming – Fortnite

Below is a link to an 8 minute video which provides some pretty good information of the game Fornite. It is presented by Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg and outlines some handy information for parents and some useful tips on managing your child’s time playing Fortnite. I really encourage you to spend the time watching this.

This coincides with the 60 Minutes presentation last Sunday, however, this program is a little more information based providing details on the specifics of the game and how to manage it.

Laptop Code of Conduct

Peter and I met with the boys on Tuesday and reminded them of a few simple messages relating to the use of their laptops. These messages are below. it would be great if you could discuss this with your son.

1. Care of My Laptop

a) I have been provided with a plastic casing for my laptop and I must not remove this casing as it protects the laptop.

b) I need to look after and care for all equipment that I have been given with my laptop. This includes the school-supplied laptop bag, laptop itself and the cords that come with it.

c) My school-supplied laptop bag comes with a name tag. I must not remove this tag. If it comes off, I must report to ICT and order a new one.

d) I must not put stickers anywhere on my laptop, nor should I place anything between my laptop and the plastic cover.

e) If my laptop is damaged, I must report this damage to the ICT Helpdesk immediately – no matter how small the damage is.

f) All support for my laptop must be given by the College ICT Helpdesk. I am never to take the computer to an Apple Store or have any third party work on it.

g) At no stage will I install additional software on my laptop. If there is software that I feel I need to install on my computer I will speak to staff at the ICT Helpdesk who will speak with relevant staff and make a decision about this. I will respect the final decision made in this circumstance.

2. Playing Games

a) At times, my teacher will provide me with details or links to academic games. When given permission by my teacher, I am allowed to play these games.

b) I may only play recreational games during my free time in the dorms or in a place designated to do so. I must never play games in the Resources Centre as it should always be a learning environment.

c) I may play games that run from an external storage device (USB hard drive, thumb drive etc.).

d) I must never install games on my laptop.

e) I may only play games that are suitable for my age group. I must abide by government classification recommendations.