Joeys Year 9 2018

From the College Counsellors: Raising Children Network

The Raising Children Network provide up-to-date, evidence-based, scientifically validated information about raising children and caring for yourself as a parent or carer. We gather this information and translate it into everyday language with plenty of real-life examples. The “teen: section of the website has many helpful resources including the Talking to Teens guide which shows some tricky…

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From the College Counsellors: Parenting SA

Parenting SA supports parents by providing quality information on raising children and young people from birth to 18 years. They have developed over 80 Parent Easy Guides (PEGS) that provide evidence-based, and easy to read information on a wide range of parenting topics including resiliency, breaking the boy code, self-esteem and more. The “school aged children” group…

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Recommended resources – Steve Biddulph

Steve Biddulph is a psychologist and author who has written a number of bestselling books. “Raising Boys in the Twenty-First Century” is an updated version of the book which has sold millions of copies. It addresses many important issues related to parenting of boys and provides useful and easy to read and humorous advice. Available…

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From the College Counsellors: Enhancing the Wellbeing and Resilience of Young People

Below are some resources provided by the College Counsellors. In particular you may wish to explore SchoolTV which is a new resource available to Joeys parents: An introduction to SchoolTV and some information on anxiety: Some timely information on exam jitters:

Video: Addiction to technology is ruining lives

A discussion on technology use by adolescents that I recommend you take the time to watch (4 minutes)  

Use of mobile phones at Joeys

Your son’s communication with you while he is not in your care is very important, both for you and him. For the boarders, having a chat to you on the phone regularly is essential. At times there are boys who message/phone their parents during the school day with a phone they have on them which…

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From the College Counsellors

The College Counsellors have provided below information on upcoming seminars and information for parents.  

Have an unhealthy relationship with your phone? It might be time you broke up

Have you ever looked up from your phone and thought: Where did the time go? And what have I missed?

Recommended resources – Dr Philip Tam – Healthy Digital Diet Podcast

Dr. Tam is a well-regarded child psychiatrist, researcher, presenter and writer. He is a national and global pioneer in the emerging and complex field of ‘problematic internet use’ ( also known as internet addiction) in school-aged children, and regularly presents workshops and seminars on the topic to both general and professional ( teaching and medical)…

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Biteback Challenge

During the final 6 weeks of Term 3 Year 9 used some of their morning pastoral group time to participate in the Biteback Challenge. The program teaches practical, evidence-based strategies to reduce stress, improve focus and expand potential. The boys heard from a speaker from the Black Dog institute, Kate, who spoke about: the importance…

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13 September was RUOK? day which is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and support those that are perhaps struggling in some aspect in their life. In the lead up the boys used pastoral group time to discuss how to ask someone…

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From the College Counsellors: Parentworks

ParentWorks is a free online program for Australian parents and caregivers of children 2 to 16. It provides evidence-based parenting strategies to improve parenting skills, confidence and child behaviour. Parents and caregivers may find this program helpful for: Managing challenging child behaviours such as tantrums, aggression, noncompliance, inattentive or hyperactive behaviour, sibling conflict, getting ready for…

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Recommended resources – Dan Siegel

“Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain” by Dan Siegel examines how brain development impacts teenagers’ behavior and relationships. He explores exciting ways in which understanding how the teenage brain functions can help parents make what is in fact an incredibly positive period of growth, change, and experimentation in their children’s lives less…

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Recommended resources – The Fathering Project

The Fathering Project ( is associated with the University of Western Australia. Research shows that a positive relationship between a father or father figure and their kids results in better academic performance, better health and well-being, improved mental health, reduced chance to use illicit substances. The website allows you to sign up for tips by…

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A reminder to label clothing!

Just a reminder of the importance of labelling all of your son’s clothes! Here is a photo of all the clothes without name tags collected just this term. If not claimed it will go to St Vincent de Paul or the second hand clothing store.

Supporting your son during the holidays

From the College Psychologists: Holidays can be a destabilising time for a young person and this sheet can assist parents in how to best support their young person during these periods.

If you want to change the world start by making your bed…

Yesterday the boys watched a video in our Year 9 division meeting. We spoke about them making their beds each day….but more importantly doing the little things right to make the big things right:

Mens Health Week

This week is Men’s Health Week. Starting from tomorrow the boys will be using Pastoral group time to discuss issues around male health. Next Wednesday we will talk more to all of Year 9 about men’s health. You may wish to discuss some of these issues with your son in the next week or so….

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Recommended resources – Arne Rubinstein

Dr Arne Rubinstein is an expert on adolescent development and Rites of Passage. A GP specialising in adolescent health, preventative and emergency medicine, he is currently CEO of The Australian Rites of Passage Institute ( “The Making of Men” is a practical handbook for parents and teachers of boys. Detailing Dr Rubinstein’s model of Healthy…

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On site car parking at Saturday home games

There is restricted parking within the College for Winter sport home games commencing this weekend. Between the hours of 7.30am and 2.30pm: Ryde Road, Gladesville Road & Mark Street gates will be open for pedestrian access only. Gladesville Road gates will be open to vehicles displaying an RMS disabled parking permit.

Recommended resources – Celia Lashlie

There are lots of resources around which deal with teenage boys. I will share some of those during the year.  If you have any other good suggestions please let me know and I’ll pass them on. Celia Lashlie studied teenage boys in the “Good man” project in New Zealand which involved her working with teenage boys…

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What was he thinking?

Quite often in Year 9 boys become very different creatures from the person their parents knew from Year 7 and 8. They don’t think about the consequences of their words or actions, they often experience much stronger emotions, they take risks and make impulsive decisions. The good news is that there is a biological explanation….

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Sleep for teenagers

Did you know that experts recommend that teenagers should have 8-10 hours of sleep per night to function best? This week in pastoral groups (what is a pastoral group?) the boys have been discussing the importance of sleep. They discussed the impact that sleep has on academic and sporting performance. They also discussed how teenagers…

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What is a pastoral group?

Each morning before Period 1 of school (except for Tuesday) the boys meet in their pastoral group for 15-20 minutes. The groups consist of 14-15 students and they have the same pastoral teacher throughout the whole year. The time is computer free and the boys discuss a range of topics and undertake various activities throughout…

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Sort of, dunno, nothing

The song below has been around for a while but for some parents it may sound familiar when talking with your sons. If so, you aren’t the only ones!

Collaboration in evening study

This evening Year 9 moved from the classrooms to the Resources Centre for evening study. The purpose was to provide a better environment to allow the boys to undertake more collaborative learning. Some of the boys were working together on the upcoming History assessment while others were assisting each other with Maths. During the year…

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Evening study grades

Grades are given for each boy’s effort in evening study. Both parents and boys receive a weekly summary. Grades are only allocated for boys who are present in study so there may be blanks for day students who left at 5pm, or boys who were at tutoring or other commitments during study. There is also…

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Bell times

Bell times during the school day. Useful to find times for lunch leave.

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