Joeys Year 7 2019

Social media usage

Last week Year 7 did a session on social media usage.

We discussed how use of social media is a representation of ourselves, our family and our school. There are dangers in sharing anything, because your digital foot print doesn’t wash away easily. Schools are legally required to report certain content to authorities.

Keep your details private
Think before you post
Don’t post anything you wouldn’t say face to face
Always ask permission before posting an image

The 4 R’s of online safety:
1. Respect
2. Responsibility (report inappropriate posts)
3. Reasoning (think before you post)
4. Resilience (get back up from tough situations and help others get back up too)

Steps to combat online bullying:
1. Don’t reply or respond
2. Save the evidence
3. Tell a trusted adult
4. Report cyber-bullying to someone at school or the e-safety commissioner.

More information is available from the e-Safety Commissioner

mblair • 10 June, 2019

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