Message from Year 7 Parent Representatives
Dear Parents and Carers,
This term we have made it through:
- The end of rugby season
- BBQ duty
- City Country mums lunch
- Winter Sports Rally
- Family Mass
- Jazz on the Lawn
- Athletics Carnival
- Sports Lovers lunch
- Ensemble Photo’s
- GPS Athletics
- Athletics Rally
- Wagga Wagga Joeys Joeys Mums weekend away
- Summer sport selections
- White Elephant drop offs
- Even a Television Appearance………
What a MASSIVE term….. now we all deserve a good break!
Term 4 might not seem busy but you will be surprised how that last day creeps on you and the first year of the Joeys journey has come to an end.
Due to Brother Anthony’s big farewell we have decided to change our end of year function to Saturday 30 November at the Bayview Hotel. An invitation will be sent out shortly with all further information. We hope that you are still able to come along and celebrate what has been a great year.
Keep a look out for information on Spring Fair and volunteering on the day, this will be sent out as a college email and all helpers are welcome.
We hope that you and your boys have a restful and enjoyable break and look forward to Term 4.
Your year 7 Class Reps