End of Term travel for Country Boarders
Dear NSW Rural Parents and Carers,
Please continue reading if you wish to book a seat for your son(s) to travel home to Rural NSW with TrainLink (Regional School Coach & Rail Services).
Bookings are now open for boarding students wishing to travel home to Rural NSW for End of Term 4 2019 & Return Term 1 2020
To reserve a seat please submit your booking by Friday 8 November 2019
We ask that you complete your son’s booking form by the closing date. The College is required to comply with the cut-off date specified by TrainLink. We urge you to make your bookings for your son now through the College, even if you are not sure; bookings may be cancelled without administration fees if done so by the cancellation date. Bookings not made by the due date cannot be accepted by the College.
Please follow below steps to access the Country Boarders Travel Booking site via the Parent Portal.
- Click on the link below to access the Joeys Travel Bookings for Country Boarders link (or copy and paste into your browser)
If you are not already logged into ilearn, you will be taken to the entry splash screen to log onto the site
- Enter “Parent” Joeys ID example 12345@joeys.org
- Enter Password if you have forgotten your password click on Forgot user id/password at the bottom of the splash screen (see image below)
Once you have entered the site you should be on the MAIN Travel bookings page. If you still need to navigate to this page, please go to https://ilearn.joeys.org/homepage/16816/
- Select Make a booking
Should you have any questions, please reply to travel@joeys.org
Thank you for your attention to this matter
Joeys Travel Team
Greg Smith | General Coordinator
Cathy Clapham | Assistant to General Coordinator
St Joseph’s College | Mark Street, Hunters Hill, NSW 2110 | Locked Bag 5009, Gladesville, NSW 1675
T +612 9816 0879 | E travel@joeys.org W www.joeys.org