Joeys Year 7 2019

Languages treasure hunt

In Week 4 of Term 4, all Y7 students eagerly hurried to the Park and Fields at Augustine St to take on the mighty Languages Treasure Hunt Course.

Split into teams of nine and ten students, with all of the college’s languages represented in each team, the students had 40 minutes to complete the 10 thematic challenges – writing numerals in different language scripts, finding countries on the world map in 4 languages, naming family members in different languages and working out how to greet somebody appropriately according to their status and the time of day, amongst other tasks – before answering a quiz about the history, geography and culture of each language which in exchange for team badges and Japanese hachimaki [coloured headbands] ‘unlocked’ access to a sumptuous banquet of pizza, pork buns and sushi following a scrumptious morning tea of croissants. A great day was had by all!

Top 5 Point scores in 2019

Brown B – 162 – victors, each winning a $20 JBHIFI voucher

Brown A – 155

Pink B – 154

Red A – 152

Pink A – 138

Top score in Main round was Brown A, but they were pipped at the post in the cultural quiz, with Brown B scoring 18 out of 20 and earning the cultural point bonus!

A big thank you must go to Ms Berriman and the languages department for their work in organising this engaging learning experience.

mblair • 21 November, 2019

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