Year 9 2019 Textbook list

The textbook list below is in the format of an order form for Campion Books, however you can source the books from anywhere. One benefit of using Campion is that they will deliver to the College for boarding students and we will distribute the books to the boys.

Please do not stress if your son is missing a textbook or two for the start of the term, teachers know what it is like getting these organised along with everything else.

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Year 9 Stationery List 2019

Below is the recommended stationery list.

Please note that the Uniform Shop does hold some stationery supplies, however, you will find that you can pick up the items at a better price if you get the equipment from stores such as “Officeworks” before your son starts. This will also ensure that he has a smooth start.

If he does need an item urgently throughout the term, the Uniform Shop will be available each day where he can use cash or credit accounts can be set up by parents.  Country boarding students should speak to me first if there is something they need.

A reminder that the boys do not need to purchase a diary, they will all receive a College diary.

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