International Women’s Day

by | 14 March

International Women’s Day was on 8 March but it was recognised throughout that week with a number of events and activities for the boys.

Mr Casamento’s Mentor group

On Wednesday during Mentoring time the boys watched a video of some of their female teachers discussed International Women’s Day and followed with a discussion where they each developed a challenge to themselves around their treatment of women.

On Thursday at the Headmaster’s Assembly the boys heard from Kylie Tarleton, a Joeys mother and Wiradjuri woman, who gave the acknowledgement of country and urged boys to “love the women in your life and appreciate them every day”. She was followed by renowned respiratory physician, Associate Professor Dr Lucy Morgan, who delivered the main address. Ms Morgan, a Joeys mum up until last year, referenced the current debate surrounding violence against women and implored boys to build empathy with girls and behave with integrity in their presence.