
by | 8 February

Boys playing contact winter sports are required to wear a mouthguard. One option for mouthguards was emailed to all parents last week and copy is provided below.

Mobile Dental Services

Mobile Dental Services will be available at the College on the afternoons of Wednesday 10 February, Friday 12 February and Wednesday 24 February to fit students for a professional student custom built mouthguard.

If you would like your son to be fitted for a mouthguard by Mobile Dental Services, please complete and return the below form along with payment to Mobile Dental Services, or complete the online booking form at by Tuesday 9 February.

The details of fitting times for your son will be communicated by his Boarding Coordinator.

If you have any questions regarding the Mouthguard fittings, please contact Mobile Dental Services on 1800 637 637 or the College, Rose Unwin on 9816 0921.

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