Upcoming events for Year 9

Wednesday 15/3 – Summer sport photos

All boys will need their clean summer sport uniform for photos tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday 18/3 – Rowing Head of the River

This is a compulsory event for the boys. All boys catch the bus together from school to Penrith and return. Buses leave the College at 7:30am on Saturday morning.

On return from Penrith the boys will attend the rowing rally in the Hall at 4:30pm. Dress is blues. The rally should finish by around 5:30pm at which time boys are free to go.

Monday 20/3 – St Joseph’s Day and College Athletics Carnival

Boys wear need to wear: correct house colour T-Shirt, College Athletic Shorts or College Rugby Shorts or PE Shorts, Clean Joggers, College Tracksuit, College hat optional. Day boys can wear this uniform to and from school. The school finishes at the normal time on Monday. If day students who normally stay until 8pm on Mondays would like to leave at 5pm, please adjust times in the portal before cut-off on Sunday night.


Tuesday 21/3 – Dance with Loreto Normanhurst

The boys stay at school, have dinner and then go to the dance in the Hall starting at 6:30pm. The dance will finish at 8:30pm at which time day students can depart. This is not a compulsory College event however I would expect that boys attend. For day students who are scheduled to leave at 5pm I will assume they will leave straight after the dance – please let me know if this is not the case.

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