Sport awards at assembly

A number of sport awards were presented at the school assembly this morning. Congratulations to the following from Year 9:

Sam Greer, representing the 1st Yr 9 Quad. 1st at Riverview Gold Cup
Mac Davis, representing the 2nd Yr 9 Quad. 1st at Riverview Gold Cup
Angus Websdale, representing the 4th Yr 9 Quad. 1st at Riverview Gold Cup
Joseph Porter, representing the 6th Yr 9 Quad. 1st at Riverview Gold Cup
Tom Barrett, representing the 7th Yr 9 Quad. 1st at Riverview Gold Cup

Year 9 boys in the College musical.

This morning at assembly the boys in the upcoming musical “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” were recognised on stage. Boys are part of the cast, crew and musicians.

Zac Burgess, Seb Melki, Billy Jack Velder, Max Pomirski, Cody Beynon, Bailey Searle, Nicholas Kochanowicz, Harry Snell, Brendan Zenere.

Sport for Saturday 11 March

Below are the sports fixtures for Saturday 11 March, now with bus times. Boys need to be at the Mark St gates 15 minutes before their bus departs.

Changes to:

Basketball 13G

Cricket 3rd, 16B, 15A

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5.3 Mathematics with Mr Sidgreaves

The boys are working hard in Mr Sidgreaves’ class. He writes:

As we move into the algebra topics we have a focus on getting the balance between speed and accuracy. There is no use racing through all the questions but only get half of them correct. At the same time, there is no point in getting every question you attempt correct if you only attempt half of them. So it is all about balance.

So … we are battling it out in a “Tournament of the Minds”. A knock out competition where boys are pitted against each other. Two boys have to complete the same question. First one finished wins and goes through to the next round. If you get it wrong though – you are out!

Our winners so far are Tom Burke, Luca Burnett, Archie Curtis and Will Gibbs. Long way to go yet though!!!

Sunday evening Mass

Mass is held each Sunday evening at 8:15pm for the boarders who have returned on Sunday. Parents and other family members are also welcome. Currently, as the Chapel is being refurbished, Mass is held in the Br Emilian Hall.

Tonight the Year 9 boys assisted Father Gavin with the mass by handing out Mass booklets, doing the readings and the offertory.

You are most welcome to join us for Mass each Sunday evening at 8:15pm.



15B’s cricket after training

A photo of the 15B’s cricket taken by their coach, Mr Burns, on No. 1 after training.

Back row (L-R): Charlie Redwin, Will Young, Jeremy Redwin, Sam Bertram, Harrison Snell, Willis Gunesekera, Hugh Kennedy.

Front row (L-R): James Hendren, Michael O’Farrell, Cameron Horne, Finn Scott.

Apologies if I mixed up Charlie and Jeremy in the photo above. I am pretty sure I have them right, however I thought I had better check with them both just in case. Neither of them had the faintest idea…

Ash Wednesday and Lenten appeal

This morning the school gathered in the Hall to recognise the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Zac Burgess from Year 9 led the singing at the liturgy. During the liturgy Fr Gavin asked the boys to reflect on what they can sacrifice to help others.

Jack Rath from Year 12 launched the College’s Lenten appeal which is raising money towards building a new Marist School in Timor-Leste.

As at 5pm today Year 9 have already raised $76.50 towards this worthy cause which is a great start on the first day!