Joeys Year 9 Blog Book

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know I have been updating the Year 9 blog throughout the year.

I have created a hardcover book (approx 35 pages) which contains a selection of blog posts from the year printed in colour on high quality glossy paper.  It contains a nice reminder of some of the many activities the boys have been involved in throughout the year that could be looked through for years to come. There is a hardcopy sample of last year’s book in the Year 9 boarding office if you or son would like to have a look and there are some pictures below.

If you would like to purchase a copy they are $60 each. I would like to get the order placed in the next few days to ensure delivery before the boys depart for holidays. If you would like to order one, could you please advise me by return email. Payment can be made by sending $60 cash to school with your son in an envelope or handing to me. If you wish to pay by electronic transfer please let me know and I will provide details.

Please note that this blog book is just for Year 9 2017 and is separate to the official St Joseph’s College Magazine which all boys in the school receive a copy of at the end of the year.



Volunteers needed 2017 Marist Sony Children’s Camp

The annual Marist Sony Children’s Camp will be held here at the College from 6 – 9 December.

37 children with disabilities will be welcomed to the College by students from Joeys, Marist Sisters Woolwich and Brigidine College. The benefits of the Camp are immeasurable; primarily though the Camp provides much needed respite for the parents of the children with disabilities. Undoubtedly, the students who are involved in the Camp, experience a life changing experience as they step into the role of full time carer of the child that had been entrusted to them.

We are once again reaching out to parents and carers who are able to support the camp. There are a variety of roles available and the link below provides details around roles and dates. We are also keen to hear from any registered nurses who may be able to offer support. If you are able to volunteer please click on the link below. If you have any questions please contact Lesley Maher at: or call 9816 0898

Many thanks in advance for your support:

Kind Regards,

Lesley Maher

Director of Mission

Year 9 Cake Stall – Spring Fair


We only have 2 weeks until the Spring Fair and we need as many cakes for the cake stall as you can bake. We also need a few more volunteers to hit the Sign Up Genius page and lend a hand on the day. Come on everyone….. Let’s get involved. The link is right here.

Liken yourself to Buddy Valastro!! Well here is your chance. Enter the amazing Year 9 cake competition at the Spring Fair. Every entry wins a prize.

There are two categories:

Adults – 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and

Kids – 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes

If you did not get your cake box at the Year 9 Dinner, large and medium cake boxes are available at the School Reception.

Mrs Tarlinton has graciously agreed to judge the competition this year from 12pm on the day of the Fair. The top three cakes in both categories will then go into a Silent Auction.

Please deliver all cakes on the day of the Fair to the Cake Stall outside the Farrell Auditorium.

If you require any further information please contact Year 9 Parent Rep Nick Byrne – or call 0410 107 396


Spring Fair 3 weeks to go!

SPRING FAIR – SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2017 – 11am to 4pm

The much loved Joey’s Spring Fair is just around the corner! This year the Spring Fair will be held on Sunday 12 November and commence at 11am after the Family Mass.

As we all know, our Spring Fair would not be a success without our enormous contingent of amazing volunteers so please see below our Volunteer requirements and once again we thank you and appreciate your on-going support.   See below the links to the Volunteer requirements.


Country Stall – Volunteer Country Stall – 73% filled
Bottle Tombola – Volunteer Bottle Tombola – VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED
Lebanese Stall – Volunteer Lebanese Stall – 33% filled
Rowers BBQ – Volunteer Rowers BBQ – 75% filled
Foundation – Volunteer Foundation – 11% filled
Asian Stall – Volunteer Asian Stall – only 3% filled –VOLUNTEERS PLSE
Ladies Auxiliary – High Tea – Volunteer Ladies Auxiliary – High Tea – 12% filled – VOLUNTEERS PLSE
Rides – Main Tent – Volunteer Rides Tent – 50% filled
Rides – Kids Corner – Volunteer Rides Tent Kids Corner – 10% filled
Uniform Shop – Volunteer Uniform shop – VOLUNTEERS PLSE
Pizza Stall – Volunteer Pizza Stall – 4% filled – VOLUNTEERS PLSE
Chocolate Wheel – Year 10 – Volunteer Chocolate Wheel– 37% filled
Cake Stall – Year 9 – Volunteer Cake Stall – 38.7% filled
Kids Corner – Year 8 –  Volunteer Kids Corner – 58% filled
White Elephant – Year 7 – Volunteer White Elephant – 68% filled
Kindifarm – Volunteer Kindifarm – VOLUNTEERS PLSE
Coffee van – Volunteer – Coffee Van – VOLUNTEERS PLSE
Clean-up /Pack down– Volunteer Cleanup – VOLUNTEERS PLSE


We are looking for prizes for both competitions, so anything you can donate, large or small, is greatly appreciated.  This can include both prizes for the competitions (in the past there has been signed basketballs, game tickets, sports store vouchers) and also giveaways for the boys (again in the past there has also been drinks, yoghurts, key rungs hats).

We are looking for volunteers on the day – general crowd control, competition organisation, scorers and referees.  Any help on either front is greatly appreciated! Please email Michelle if you are available to assist  Michelle McDowell

And also, could you remind your boys that nominations for the 3 on 3 comp are NOT taken on the day – they can only enter by emailing me, and if they could do that ASAP that would be great!
Contact: Michelle McDowell


Donations required

Everyone’s a winner! Buy a ticket, win a bottle!

Items required

Wine, champagne and spirits

We require items for which you would happily pay $10 or more.


Drop off point

Year 11 Boarding Coordinator office or at College Reception if Year 11 office is unattended.



Justine Nicholls –


Liken yourself to Buddy Valastro!! Well here is your chance.  Enter the amazing cake competition at the Spring Fair.  Year 9 who are organising the cake stall are running the cake competition.  There are two categories:

Adults– 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes and
Kids– 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes

Large and medium cake boxes available at School Reception from tomorrow
24 October.  The competition will be drawn by Lorna Tarlington on Fair Day at 12pm.  The top three categories will then go into a Silent Auction.

All cakes to be delivered on the Fair day to the Cake Stall outside Farrell Auditorium

Contact:  Nick Byrne –



This year the year 11 group will be running the Nijia Warrior course !!!   GET READY for extreme fun for all ages!!

Watch this space more details to come.


For one day, the Farrell Auditorium is transformed into the London Savoy as the Ladies Auxiliary host an elegant High Tea. Indulge in delicious sandwiches and sweet treats with a relaxing cup of tea or coffee.

 Donations/items required:

  • Home-baked items such as scones, cupcakes, small tarts and pies, sandwich fillings, jams, etc.
  • Serving items including pretty teapots, cup and saucer sets, tiered serving trays.


Please contact Hilary Bokeyar on M: 0416 155 843 or E: if you have any queries or are able to donate.


The Spring Fair Country Stall is a wonderful showcase of the goods and produce from our rural families. The association with the country is a fundamental part of the Joeys community and this stall offers the opportunity to support our country boys and their families.

Anything which showcases our country heritage that could be displayed or sold will be gratefully accepted and of course donations from our city families and friends are very welcome also.

Items required

  • Farm-grown produce including fruit, vegetables, grains, meat, chicken, eggs, cheese, coffee
  • Relishes, pickles, cordials, chutneys, olive oils, honey
  • Home-made jams and preserves, fruitcake, biscuits using Aussie-grown produce
  • Wine or liquor
  • Crafts and handmade decorative items of timber, metal or wire
  • Donations are also welcome from any city families and friends.

Kate Bokenham M: 0488 682 922  E: 

Tickets on sale now!

Get in quick and buy your arm bands NOW available at the Joeys online shop

Pre-purchase your ride bands online for $30 or (purchase on the day for $35).  Or Individual ride tickets sold on the day for $5.00 each

Pre-purchased ride bands can be collected at the Ticket stand on the day of the Spring Fair.  Students must have their receipt number to collect their ride bands.


Time to clean & clear! Bring all your goodies down.


  • textbooks, magazines, encyclopaedias
    • soft toys
    •          knives
    •          electrical goods

White Elephant drop off will be next to the Joeys Uniform shop (which is opposite the music centre).


Term 4

Date Time Note
Friday 10 Nov 3.30-5pm Open for collection of large furniture items


Sonya Spooner – E:
Anthea Gilmore – E:


The ever-popular Chocolate Wheel will once again offer a myriad of fabulous prizes to tempt all Fairgoers. A big draw-card is always the chance to win a major prize and we seek offers from anyone who can help. Do you own a holiday house or boat? Do you know someone who could donate a major prize?

Items required

  • Major prize such as a trip, holiday house, boat use or hire, smartphone, GoPro, iPad or tablet, Bluetooth device
    • Tickets to sport, arts or entertainment events
    •          Sporting goods
    •          Subscriptions such as streaming services or magazines
    •          Memberships to sporting clubs, galleries, museums, etc.

Donations can also be made on the Joeys online shop. These will be used to purchase prizes and hampers.

Suzanne Davies – M: 0400 396 792   E:
Maree Sutton  – M: 0417 481 073  E:
Denise Saar  – M: 0438 609 282   E:

Donations can also be made via Joeys online shop.  We will then purchase the hampers, prizes.

OBU Joeys Bar

Donations are also being requested for the OBU Joeys Bar; wine, beer, soft drink.  If you would like to donate items please contact John Devlin –

Spring Fair Committee Contact Details

Liz Phillips 0403 339 292
Anthony Harper 0415 952 369
Renee Daspromonte 0431 795 936
Donna Digby 0418 649 349
Kath Walton 0407 276 439
Julie Moriarty 0431 272 234
Justin Burgess
Kirsten Castorina
Jacinta Anderson
Maureen Knox
Julie Walker
Michelle Deece


Donate to the Marist Community Wardrobe

This week two of the Year 11 liturgical leaders came to speak to Year 9 about the Marist Community Wardrobe. The initiative is run by Marist180 and provides good quality clothes to homeless youth. The boys were asked to bring to school any clothes that they no longer need or use that are in good condition. The boys can leave the clothes with me and they will be taken to the Marist180 Community Wardrobe.

Already we have one garbage bag full of clothes!

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Books & Blokes Breakfast – Titus O’Reily

When: Tuesday 31 October, 2017
Time: 7:30am
Where: Resources Centre
RSVP: Click here

Part history, part social commentary and part the ravings of a madman, Titus examines:

  • League vs Union, what it says about you as a person
  • Why it’s the AFL’s fault that Victorians are so awful
  • How soccer is the biggest threat to Australia since Communism
  • How cricket, is not boring, OK Sharon?
  • Horse racing, not just about betting but mostly about betting
  • The Olympics or why Australia is only important every four years

Weaving humour and history into one hilarious yet (surprisingly?) informative book, Titus helps us understand how sport is important – gloriously stupid, but important.



Linda Roden | Head of Library


Mother’s High Tea

From the Year 9 Parent Reps:

Our first social event of the term is the Mother’s High Tea on Friday 20th October.  This event is on the day before the Year 9 dinner so would be great excuse for Country Mum’s especially to get together in a relaxed setting with those from the city.

We look forward to seeing as many Mum’s there as possible.

The details are as follows:

Venue: The Watershed Kitchen
1 Henley Drive
Time:     2.00 pm onwards.

Cost: $ 45.00 per head. Payment on the day is fine.
For catering purposes please RSVP to Sally Purtle on the email address below to let her know if you are coming.




Holy Name of Mary Parish Pilgrimage Walk 2017

For local students and parents who may be interested, please see the message below from the Holy Name of Mary Parish:

This coming Sunday (15 October) is our Pilgrimage Walk – A Walk on the North Side – Walking The Rosary.  I sincerely hope that some of the boys, parents or staff may be able to join us on the day.

Please keep us in your prayers for a successful day and be assured we will pray for the community of St Joseph’s College and the Marist Brothers Community.

Kind regards;

Mark Wilson

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Books & Blokes Breakfast – Titus O’Reily

When: Tuesday 31 October, 2017
Time: 7:30am
Where: Resources Centre
RSVP: Click here

Part history, part social commentary and part the ravings of a madman, Titus examines:

  • League vs Union, what it says about you as a person
  • Why it’s the AFL’s fault that Victorians are so awful
  • How soccer is the biggest threat to Australia since Communism
  • How cricket, is not boring, OK Sharon?
  • Horse racing, not just about betting but mostly about betting
  • The Olympics or why Australia is only important every four years

Weaving humour and history into one hilarious yet (surprisingly?) informative book, Titus helps us understand how sport is important – gloriously stupid, but important.



Linda Roden | Head of Library

GPS Athletics Carnival – Saturday 16 September

Saturday is the GPS Athletics Carnival at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre which is a compulsory event for all boys to attend.

The boys need to be here at the College at 8:30am on Saturday morning, dressed in their blues. A College cap is also recommended although the boys will mostly be sitting undercover. You are welcome to join us at Homebush but all boys must catch the school buses to and from the venue.

Boys who are competing at the carnival on Saturday will catch buses at either 7:45am or 8:00am and will be informed about this by their coaches.

The boys will travel by bus to Homebush to support the boys who are competing from all year groups, including Year 9 boys.

We will return on buses to the College for the Athletics Rally in the Hall which starts at 5:00pm. It should be finished by 6:00pm at which time the boys are free to depart.

Spring fair news for parents

SPRING FAIR – SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2017 – 11am to 4pm


Are you ready to “Rock into Spring” and celebrate at our legendary community spring fair? The countdown is on to our Spring Fair in November on Sunday 12th.

For the information of all new parents it’s the day we come together as a whole school to host a fair with lots of food, fun and activities. There is a real sense of achievement when we come together and produce such a wonderful event.

The fair begins at 11am after the family mass. As you wonder from the hall grab yourself a pick me up coffee or cool drink at the Bike’n’Blend. Wander across to the Chocolate Wheel and try your luck or meander through the retailers on the lawn. What a wonderful opportunity to stock up on Xmas gifts!

If you’re feeling peckish there is a wide selection of food available – the Rowers BBQ, Asian, Italian, Lebanese or our famous cake stall. Or perhaps you’d like to relax in at the High Tea in the Farrell Auditorium.

For the boys we have a special range of rides available this year as well as our basketball competition on the back courts.

For the little ones, they will not be disappointed with our Kids Corner and our ever popular Kindifarm returns with all the baby animals.

As the day progresses and you need to rest your feet, head on over to the Old Boys Bar for a refreshment!

There is much more for you to look at – dance, woodturning and auto demonstrations.

And last but not least the infamous Battle of the Bands near the Year 10 dormitories. Come see the rising talent that Sydney has to offer!

So as you can see lots to do and see. We hope to see you there!!

PS – don’t forget to make your mark – there are many opportunities to help out on a stall either before or on the day. Your year reps would have informed you of your stall but you can also choose to help out on another.

The Spring Fair Committee is seeking your support through donations of both goods and your time.  Please see below the volunteer requirements.  Please read on to see where you can help/donate. We once again thank you all for your enormous support.


Country Stall – Volunteer Country Stall
Lebanese Stall – Volunteer Lebanese Stall
Rowers BBQ – Volunteer Rowers BBQ
Foundation – Volunteer Foundation
Asian Stall – Volunteer Asian Stall
Ladies Auxiliary – High Tea – Volunteer Ladies Auxiliary – High Tea
Rides – Main Tent – Volunteer Rides Tent
Rides – Kids Corner – Volunteer Rides Tent Kids Corner
Pizza Stall – Volunteer Pizza Stall
Chocolate Wheel – Year 10 – Volunteer Chocolate Wheel
Cake Stall – Year 9 – Volunteer Cake Stall
Kids Corner – Year 8 –  Volunteer Kids Corner
White Elephant – Year 7 – Volunteer White Elephant

Clean-up /Pack down– Volunteer Cleanup


For one day, the Farrell Auditorium is transformed into the London Savoy as the Ladies Auxiliary host an elegant High Tea. Indulge in delicious sandwiches and sweet treats with a relaxing cup of tea or coffee.

 Donations/items required:

  • Home-baked items such as scones, cupcakes, small tarts and pies, sandwich fillings, jams, etc.
  • Serving items including pretty teapots, cup and saucer sets, tiered serving trays.


Please contact Hilary Bokeyar on M: 0416 155 843 or E: if you have any queries or are able to donate.


The Spring Fair Country Stall is a wonderful showcase of the goods and produce from our rural families. The association with the country is a fundamental part of the Joeys community and this stall offers the opportunity to support our country boys and their families.

Anything which showcases our country heritage that could be displayed or sold will be gratefully accepted and of course donations from our city families and friends are very welcome also.

Items required

  • Farm-grown produce including fruit, vegetables, grains, meat, chicken, eggs, cheese, coffee
  • Relishes, pickles, cordials, chutneys, olive oils, honey
  • Home-made jams and preserves, fruitcake, biscuits using Aussie-grown produce
  • Wine or liquor
  • Crafts and handmade decorative items of timber, metal or wire
  • Donations are also welcome from any city families and friends.

Kate Bokenham M: 0488 682 922  E: 


Tickets on sale now!

Get ready for extreme activity!! What this space!!   We will have a dedicated Kids Corner with the return of the very popular Kindifarm and much much more!

Get in quick and buy your arm bands NOW available at the Joeys online shop

Pre-purchase your ride bands online for $30 or (purchase on the day for $35).

Or Individual ride tickets sold on the day for $5.00 each

Pre-purchased ride bands can be collected at the Ticket stand on the day of the Spring Fair.  Students must have their receipt number to collect their ride bands.


Time to clean & clear!

Time to clean up & clear out those cupboards!  Donations are now required for the White Elephant stall.

Start your spring cleaning, gather all your unwanted treasures and bring them in for this popular stall managed by Year 7.  We are seeking donations of second-hand clothing (in good condition), toys, puzzles, games, sporting goods, household goods, bric-a-brac and books. The White Elephant drop point is next to the Joeys Uniform Shop and Clothing Pool (which is opposite the music centre).

Items needed (clean and in good condition please): second-hand clothing, toys, puzzles, games, sporting goods, household items, bric-a-brac, books, etc.


  • textbooks, magazines, encyclopaedias
  • soft toys
  • knives
  • electrical goods

White Elephant drop off will be next to the Joeys Uniform shop (which is opposite the music centre).


Term 3

Date Time Note

Thursday 21 Sept
3 – 6pm Open for collection for all parents. This will be especially useful for country families

Term 4

Date Time Note
Friday 6 Oct 3.30 – 5pm
Saturday 7 Oct 9 – 11am
Friday 13 Oct 3.30 -5pm
Saturday 14 Oct 9 -11am
Friday 20 Oct 3.30-5pm
Saturday 21 Oct 9-11am Collection cut-off for small items
Friday 10 Nov 3.30-5pm Open for collection of large furniture items


Sonya Spooner – E:
Anthea Gilmore – E:


The ever-popular Chocolate Wheel will once again offer a myriad of fabulous prizes to tempt all Fairgoers. A big draw-card is always the chance to win a major prize and we seek offers from anyone who can help. Do you own a holiday house or boat? Do you know someone who could donate a major prize?

Items required

  • Major prize such as a trip, holiday house, boat use or hire, smartphone, GoPro, iPad or tablet, Bluetooth device
    • Tickets to sport, arts or entertainment events
    •     Sporting goods
    •     Subscriptions such as streaming services or magazines
    •     Memberships to sporting clubs, galleries, museums, etc.

Hamper items

Smaller items are also great donations to create gift hampers. Suggested hampers include:

  • Ladies Pamper Hamper
    • Dads Hamper
    •     Teenage Boy Hamper
    •     Teenage Girl Hamper
    •     Wine Hamper
    •     Christmas Hamper

Donations can also be made on the Joeys online shop. These will be used to purchase prizes and hampers.


Suzanne Davies – M: 0400 396 792   E:
Maree Sutton  – M: 0417 481 073  E:
Denise Saar  – M: 0438 609 282   E:

Donations can also be made via Joeys online shop.  We will then purchase the hampers, prizes.

Bottle Tombola

Everyone’s a winner! Buy a ticket, win a bottle!

Items required

Wine, champagne and spirits

We require items for which you would happily pay $10 or more.

Drop off point

Year 11 Boarding Coordinator office or at College Reception if Year 11 office is unattended.


Kate Melrose

OBU Joeys Bar

Donations are also being requested for the OBU Joeys Bar; wine, beer, soft drink.

If you would like to donate items please contact John Devlin –

Spring Fair Committee Contact Details

Liz Phillips 0403 339 292
Anthony Harper 0415 952 369
Renee Daspromonte 0431 795 936
Donna Digby 0418 649 349
Kath Walton 0407 276 439
Julie Moriarty 0431 272 234
Justin Burgess
Kirsten Castorina
Jacinta Anderson
Maureen Knox
Julie Walker
Michelle Deece


Holy Name Parish Pilgrimage Walk 2017

Holy Name Parish Pilgrimage Walk 2017

We have been asked by the Holy Name Parish of Villa Maria to inform local parents of the upcoming Parish Pilgrimage walk for 2017.  All parents and families are invited to participate and the details are listed below.

Parish Pilgrimage Walk 2017 – A Walk on the North Side – Walking the Rosary

Date: Sunday 15 October. 

Theme: A Rosary Walk.  The idea is to link in with the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima.  The final apparition occurred on the 13th October, hence the selection of the date, being as close as possible to the final apparition.

Pilgrimage Route: 1. Start at Holy Name of Mary Church, Hunters Hill; 2. Our Lady Queen of Peace, Gladesville; 3. Mary help of Christians Chapel, Greenwich; 4. St Mary’s Church, North Sydney; 5. Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Kirribilli – our final destination.  At each prayer stop we will pray one decade of the rosary and have some focused reflection and prayers for our parish, community, Church and the world.

Who can walk: Although Holy Name of Mary Parish is the host, it is open to all parishioners, their friends & family members, other parishes, Catholics and non-Catholics, and basically anyone who wants to do it.

Start time:  Leaving after the 10am mass at Holy Name of Mary Church.  We will have a morning tea together after mass then start our first set of prayers at about 11.30am, then head off on the walk.

Cost: $0

Estimated distance: 14.9 kilometres

Estimated time:  4 hours

More information:  Call the Holy Name of Mary parish office on 9817 5325 or email

Spring Fair White Elephant Stall

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please refer below the Spring Fair White Elephant dates/times for drop off.

A reminder the next drop off is Wednesday 23 August – 5pm to 8pm.

Also note the drop off time on 21 September has been updated – it is now 3pm to 6pm.


Donations are now required –time to clean up & clear out those cupboards!

Start your spring cleaning, gather all your unwanted treasures and bring them in for this popular stall managed by Year 7. We are seeking donations of second-hand clothing (in good condition), toys, puzzles, games, sporting goods, household goods, bric-a-brac and books. The White Elephant drop point is next to the Joeys Uniform Shop and Clothing Pool (which is opposite the music centre).

Items needed (clean and in good condition please): second-hand clothing, toys, puzzles and games, sporting goods, household items, bric-a-brac, books, etc.


  • textbooks, magazines, encyclopaedias
  • soft toys
  • knives
  • electrical goods


Wednesday 23 August 5.00-8.00pm
Thursday 21 September 3.00-6.00pm
Friday 6 October 3.30pm-5.00pm
Saturday 7 October 9.00am-11.00am
Friday 13 October 3.30pm-5.00pm
Saturday 14 October 9.00am-11.00am
Friday 20 October 3.30pm-5.00pm
Saturday 21 October 9.00am-11.00am Collection cut-off for small items
Friday 10 November 3.30pm-5.00pm Open for large furniture items


Contacts for White Elephant:

Sonya Moriarty Spooner  M: 0427 689 963                           E:

Anthea Gilmore                M: 0412 013 106               E:

Upcoming events this week

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 9,

I hope you had a great weekend. It was a very busy weekend here at the College and there is no time to pause for a break! See below for what is coming up.

Summer Sport Training

Summer sport training starts tomorrow (Monday). I have posted the summer sport training schedules elsewhere on the blog for your information.

Winter Sport Photos

At the bottom of this post is the schedule for Winter Sport photos. Photos are either Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. Parents of day students can assist by ensuring their son brings their clean winter sport uniform (including clean boots) on the day of their photo.

Father Son Camp

The Year 9 Father Son camp is on this weekend at Colo. I will send a separate email to all parents who have RSVP’d in a few minutes. If you thought you had booked and don’t get a second email, please contact me as soon as possible.

Arrangements for this weekend

As previously advised in emails, sport is not compulsory for Year 9 boys on Saturday as many will be heading to Colo. If you are heading to Colo on Friday night, please enter a boardingware overnight request. If your son is not going to Colo but you would like him to have an overnight on Friday night, please also enter a boardingware overnight request. The Year 9 dorms will be closed on Saturday night so full boarders not attending Colo will also have to enter leave for Saturday night.

Weekly boarders and day boys staying in dorms on weekends (IMPORTANT)

On weekends I am happy to accommodate weekly boarders in the dorms if possible, and occasionally day students. However I do need notice from you early during the week before please as I have to order meals for them by Thursday and organise staffing. There were quite a number of boys who appeared in the dorms last night to stay without any notice to me from their parents or them. This resulted in a few difficulties sourcing extra food and some extra work last night trying to account for them all. Your assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you have a great week.



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Free parent webinars

A reminder that there are free parent webinars through the ​​​Independent Schools Digital Collaboration Network (ISDCN). These webinars are a collaboration between Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW) and Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) and past recordings are also available. Please see below or visit the website for further information:

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Student Art Exhibition

Dear Parents,

I know that many families have received our invitation to attend the opening of the Student Art exhibition. For families new to the college, this exhibition surveys the artwork of all students studying Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media. A selection of artwork by your son will be displayed alongside the work of all of our elective students and HSC candidates.

Your son will be able to attend the opening at 6.30pm on the evening of Friday 11th August if he is accompanied by parents or a guardian. I will be asking the boys next week whether they will be attending the opening. Some details are below:

Opening: Friday 11th August, 6.30pm, in the Farrell Auditorium

to be opened by artist Nicholas Harding.

Supper and drinks will be provided.

Additional viewing time will be on Saturday 12th August from 9am -1pm and Sunday 13th August from 9am-2pm.

We hope to see many of you there!


Ms Michelle Tinta

Visual Arts Coordinator