Acolyte Training

Student Account 1

On Wednesday the 17th of October a group of 39 boys were chosen to become the schools 2019 Acolytes and attended a preparation day. This day was held to deepen our understandings of the roles and the importance of acolytes. The day began with an early Mass that Father Gavin and a few previous year 12 Acolytes were involved in. The preparation session began with a talk from Father, Brother Anthony and Mrs Maher about the significance of Acolytes in the college as they act as role models for the rest of the school. After the talks, the acolytes were each given a booklet with multiple activities to help remember the names of the items used to conduct a mass. The acolytes were also taught multiple stories about the reasons we do certain things during mass. I believe I speak for the rest of the acolytes when I say that we are all excited to get stuck into our new roles.

 Student Account 2 

We started off with the morning mass first of the term, from there we had pastoral . After pastoral started the acolyte incursion and started to run through all the different roles of the priest and the acolytes. Then father began to explain the significant cultural and historical significance of the chapel and to the religious life of the school. The coolest part about it was the meaning and history of the stain glass windows, and how they have lasted so long. Within the session were times of meditation and calmness and other times asking and answering any questions.