L’Arche Open Gardens

A short note I received yesterday after 40 of our fine young men helped out at the L’Arche Open Garden day.

The boys were INCREDIBLE! Thank you again so much for allowing them to be part of the day. It is not just that they are friendly, helpful and courteous; it is also the initiative they show when help is needed. They all thought quickly on their feet and did what was required with very little instruction and absolutely no fuss.

I personally loved seeing them and I think so many older people enjoyed saying a quick hello as well. The boys selling raffle tickets did it with gusto, the boys assisting the frail did it with patience and care, and all the boys were responsive and cheerful and very respectful when spoken to (“Yes Miss”, “Thank you Miss”, “Let me help you Sir”).

Many many thanks again – please do tell the boys they were wonderful in very hot and bothered conditions!

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