Month: March 2018
Award Recipients at the Headmasters Assembly
Rugby Notice
Sport Fixtures
Easter Break
Just a reminder that we break for Easter next Wednesday afternoon. In saying that there will be no sport on the Easter weekend. In summary:
The boys finish school on Wednesday March 28. They will be dismissed around 3/3.30pm. Boarders who are not traveling via coach the next morning are free to leave at this time too.
Boarders return to school on Tuesday April 3 by 8pm. Classes commence on Wednesday April 4.
Dinner Tonight with a very special guest – Jim Lloyd
Study Tonight!
Our best session of study yet. The boys worked extremely well particularly on their assessment tasks.
Isaac, Hwi and Rohan completing a Chalk Talk task for Visual Arts
Reuben and Jake brainstorming key features of Ancient Egypt and the River Nile
Joe, Alex and Oliver debating different theories about pyramid structures.
Birthdays this Week
Happy birthday James turned 13 last Friday!
What’s on the menu?
Lamb stew with roast mushrooms, corn and garden salad
Chocolate moose for dessert
Headmasters Assembly
Julian Heaven from Year 12 addressed the audience today and spoke on the topic of bullying. He spoke brilliantly and and focused on the positive attributes here at the College.
Julian talked about the diversity of interests and passions within the school community and the fact that these different interests and passions are widely celebrated. He talked about the Joeys culture and that being one of acceptance.
Julian also touched on the types of bullying which we will address in greater detail during pastoral time. The boys were asked to “stand up for what is right” and not to target perceived weaknesses or differences and to in fact, celebrate them. We followed up on this at lunch today and asked the boys to seek the good in themselves and to encourage others to achieve their best.
Birthdays this week
Oliver turned 12 last Friday
Jarrod turned 12 on Wednesday
Happy Birthday boys!!!!!!
Year 7 Parents Ice Breaker
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day will take place on May 7 2018 (week 1 of Term 2). Further information will follow on this shortly. An email will be sent to you (hopefully tomorrow) from one of the administration staff on how to book your sons grandparent(s) in for the event.
GPS Swimming
Next Friday, March 23, is the GPS Swimming Carnival. This will be at 7pm at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC). All of the Year 7 boarders and the staff will be attending the event so in saying this the normal routine for Friday night will not take place. There will be no 8pm sign out as we cannot facilitate it on that night. Day Students are more than welcome to attend the event but we will not return to the College until 9.30/10pm approx.
It is suggested that you list your sons departure at 5pm for Friday week.
Pastoral Care – Years 7 and 10
As mentioned earlier, the Year 10 boys joined Year 7 during pastoral time to discuss bullying, mateship, care and respect for one another.
Lunch Leaves
I am getting a lot of questions about Lunch Leaves. Just a reminder that we are encouraging the boys to do this. As parents, you don’t have access to this form of leave in your Boardingware profile. The boys, however, do. Can I please encourage you to allow the boys to submit the lunch leave requests. They know how to do this. If you could just arrange the lunch leave and confirm with your son, then ask them to upload this that would be perfect.
Another reminder that all boys on lunch leaves must submit a request. Each individual needs to do this even if they are attending the lunch leave with another boys parents.
Around the Grounds
Pastoral Care Focus
This week, Year 7 are focusing on Bullying in their Pastoral Care classes. The difference between bullying and banter has been discussed and the concept of a bystander was addressed. The boys have been asked not to sit back and watch bullying take place (be a bystander) and have been asked to stand up to inappropriate behaviour and report it where necessary.
Often, bullying and banter is misconstrued and with the boys in Year 7 learning their way and trying to find their place in the year group, social interactions can at times be a bit negative. Below is a link to an article that you may like to read and then discuss with your son.
Year 10 joined the Year 7 boys during pastoral time on Thursday and Friday this week and shared their strategies for dealing with inappropriate situations and bullies. They gave advice for the boys when confronted by bullies and talked about supporting one another and caring for their mates.
This focus on bullying coincides with the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence on Friday March 16. Year 7 will continue to focus on bullying in pastoral time and in year meetings for the next couple of weeks.
Summer Sports Photos
This Friday 16/3/18 the boys will have their summer sports photo. They will need to bring their summer sports uniform (their playing uniform) that is clean and tidy with them to school. They will get changed into this uniform at 3.30pm for their photo. The photos are taken on site. Those in swimming and water polo would have been given further directions from their coaches as to what they wear.
St Joseph’s Day Mass and Athletics Carnival
This will take place on Monday 19/3/18
The mass will begin at 9am in the Hall and conclude at 10am.
The Athletics Carnival will follow at the Park (College main ovals). This will finish at 4.45pm. it is recommended that your son sign out at 5pm on Monday 19/3/18 due to no classes that day.
Dress for the day: House Colour T-Shirt, College sports shorts, College tracksuit (if cold) and joggers.