On Friday 18 May the SJC Mission Office, in conjunction with the P&F is running a cake stall at recess
(10.40am-11.00am). The Year Reps will be asking families to bake or buy cakes, biscuits and slices and
send them into College on the day of the sale (drop items to your sons’ ref – Year 7 & 8 to either the Year
8 Ref or Farrell Auditorium). Year Reps will also be requesting parents volunteers to help run the cake
stall. Students are asked to donate $5 (or more!) to buy a plate of delicious items.
The proceeds from this cake stall, along with each of the year groups’ Lenten contributions, will be
donated to the St Marcellin School in Giasnogor.
Could baked goods please be dropped off at the appropriate locations no later than 10am on the day
of the cake stall. Cake boxes will be available from reception on Friday 11 May 2018.
Enquiries: Kelly Oastler, SJC Mission Office T: 9816 0928 or koastler@joeys.org