Month: May 2018
Second Hand Basketball Shoes and Joggers
Dear Yearr 7 Parent/Carers,
As most of you are new parents to Joeys, I just want to give you the heads up on something which is now in its 3rd year.
Over the last two years (with the help of the Joeys Family), we have been collecting second hand basketball shoes to send to the Philippines and Rugby boots to South Africa.
Over the next 3 weeks of this term, I am asking you, to help me stay good, on a promise I made to a mate of mine. If you are like me, you have every intention to help the less fortunate but continually put it on the back burner but my stupid mate actually went ahead and built a basketball court for the local kids in the Philippines……. What was he thinking!!!!
We have sent over 300 pairs of footwear on the flying Kangaroo, since we started and have placed smiles on many faces with something we usually place in the bin. Now that the Basketball season has finished, we are hoping we can add to this number.
This year we are spreading the love. We spun the world globe and our finger stopped on ‘Smokey Mountain’ – a community of 60,000 who live on one of the biggest rubbish tips in SE Asia, just outside Manilla
Over a cold soft drink, Chris McAlinden, dad of Aidan (2015) and I came up with the name for our drive “Joseph Jefferson Jackson Shoe Drive” ……… Why JJJSD you ask….. Google it!….. and they will come!
Anyway with the help of your current Boarding Coordinator (Sir James McKay) as a collection point, could I please ask that if you have any second hand Basketball shoes or Joggers collecting dust, could you please send them his way…… I can guarantee that by Term 4, your son’s shoes will not go close to fitting him.
Thanks for your support in advance.
Darren Junee
Sydney Writers Festival
Joey’s boys attend the 2018 Sydney Writers Festival
We had the great privilege of escorting 30 enthusiastic readers and writers from Year 7 – 11 to attend the 2018 Sydney writers Festival at Carriage works.
According to Robbie Matchett in Year 11 “All the boys who were able to attend thoroughly enjoyed the Sydney Writers’ Festival. We were able to listen to and interact with various authors both local and abroad in this unique experience. The highlight of the day was most definitely getting to hear the different approaches, ideas and perspectives of the speakers and the way in which this broadened our horizons as writers. My personal favourite author was most likely Patrick Ness for his wit and approach to his career and role as a young adult author. I most feel inspired to read “Me, Earl and the Dying Girl” by Jesse Andrews after having heard him speak today.”
Authors presenting included: Jesse Andrews , Alison Croggon, Patrick Ness and Kirsty Eagar
Pastoral Focus
Towards the end of the first term, the Year 7 boys completed a bullying survey. Prior to and after completing this survey, the boys with their pastoral care teachers focused on defining bullying and discussing its impacts. They addressed the concept of a bystander and asked the boys to not sit back and allow bullying to take place.
Over the next few weeks, we will analyse the results of the survey and focus on educating the boys about the different types of bullying. We will look to address the impacts again while also developing strategies to help boys develop resilience.
Giving the boys the courage to stand up and not accept bullying and antisocial behaviour will be a main theme and will go a huge way in helping to combat bullying.
Mobile Phone Policy
The boys were informed today that the mobile phone policy has slightly changed. The boys are not to have their phones on them between 8am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday unless given prior approval by their Boarding Coordinator. They are to be left in the dormitories.
If you could have a chat with you son about this and encourage them to support and follow the policy it would be greatly appreciated.
What’s on the Menu
Chicken Schnitzel (everyone’s favourite) on Tuesday night with chocolate brownies for dessert.
At Lunch
Embracing the new lunch location and smashing the chicken burgers.
On Tuesday of week three, the boys begin their NAPLAN tests. These will run from Tuesday to Thursday. More information on this will be provided next week.
Optional Mass
This Saturday witnessed the first optional Saturday morning Mass for the Year. Mass will be held in the Chapel at 7.15 am. The boys are encouraged to attend.
Wednesday morning Mass also continues throughout the term at begins at 8.10am.
ANZAC Day Assembly
On Thursday, the students experienced a very special Headmasters Assembly. The Assemblies focus was on ANZAC Day and as a College we came together to remember the sacrifices that many people have made for us all. There was a particular mention made to the many Joeys Old boys who made the ultimate sacrifice and Dr Hayes addressed the Assembly and talked about the concepts of respect, dignity and peace.
Writing Festival
The Year 7 boys pictured above attended the Sydney Writers Festival yesterday. Here they met published authors and learnt about writing techniques.
Birthdays this week
Birthdays over the Holidays
Happy birthday boys!!!
New Student welcome Darcy
Welcome to St Joseph’s College Darcy. Darcy joins us as a Full Boarder and is from Munni. All the best for a great first term.
Country Boarders – Trainlink Bookings
Dear NSW Rural Parents and Carers,
Please continue reading if you wish to book a seat for your son(s) to travel home to Rural NSW with TrainLink.
Bookings are now open for boarding students wishing to travel home to Rural NSW in Term Two. To reserve a seat for the June Long Weekend and/or End of Term 2 please submit your booking by Thursday 10 May 2018.
Please follow below steps to access the Country Boarders Travel Booking site.
1. Go to Joeys Travel Booking Link: Boarders Travel Bookings/
2. Enter your Joeys ID: eg
3. Enter your password: If you have forgotten your password please go to select JOEYS ONLINE and choose Get password then RESET PASSWORD
Bookings close Thursday 10 May 2018.
The college is required to comply with the cut-off date specified by TrainLink. We urge you to make your bookings for your son now through the College, even if you are not sure; bookings may be cancelled without administration fees if done so by the cancellation date.
Should you have any questions, please reply to
Joeys Travel Team
Sports Fixtures
Cake Stall
On Friday 18 May the SJC Mission Office, in conjunction with the P&F is running a cake stall at recess
(10.40am-11.00am). The Year Reps will be asking families to bake or buy cakes, biscuits and slices and
send them into College on the day of the sale (drop items to your sons’ ref – Year 7 & 8 to either the Year
8 Ref or Farrell Auditorium). Year Reps will also be requesting parents volunteers to help run the cake
stall. Students are asked to donate $5 (or more!) to buy a plate of delicious items.
The proceeds from this cake stall, along with each of the year groups’ Lenten contributions, will be
donated to the St Marcellin School in Giasnogor.
Could baked goods please be dropped off at the appropriate locations no later than 10am on the day
of the cake stall. Cake boxes will be available from reception on Friday 11 May 2018.
Enquiries: Kelly Oastler, SJC Mission Office T: 9816 0928 or
Key Contacts including Winter Sports Convenors
Bell Times
Compulsory Events This Term
Just in case you missed it in one of the earlier emails, the compulsory events for the term are below.