At the Headmasters Assembly today, Dr. Hayes addressed the audience and began by speaking about the culture at Joeys. He described this as a College community with a shared Marist vision where the care and success of our boys is paramount. He stated that all members of the community are valued and respected and that the core beliefs of honesty, decency, humility, hard work, simplicity and presence are all part of the fabric of Joeys. This along with our wonder traditions that have been formed over the last 138 years make this a very special place. Dr. Hayes thanked the boys and the families for their on going commitment and dedication to College life and reiterated the need to never drop our standards.
Dr. Hayes then talked about the importance of prayer and lined this to the drought. He stated that “prayer doesn’t change things, it changes people and people change things”. Our prayers will not change this drought but they can surely bring about awareness and action and this can certainly help many people navigate their way through this very difficult time.
We heard from two Year 12 boarders Angus and Ben who are both from northwest NSW. The boys shared a personal reflection on the impact of the drought on their farms and encouraged us all to dig deep this weekend and support those on the land. Their stories were quite sad and really showcased the devastating impact that this drought is having on our rural communities.