Joeys vs Kings Fundraiser


Joeys and King’s have a long tradition of schoolboy sport and membership of the AAGPS. They are two of Australia’s largest and longest serving boarding schools, with their roots embedded in regional NSW.

On Saturday, Joeys and King’s unite to not only enjoy spirited competition between our great schools, but to raise much needed funds for Rural Aid Australia. In the lead up to game day, students, Old Boys, and parents of both schools are asked to come together and donate for those in drought stricken areas.
To make your Donation, visit

The joint Joeys and King’s initiative will see 100% of all donations going to Rural Aid Australia. These funds will provide urgent aid for drought affected farmers. To make your donation, click the button below and select Rural Aid Australia – Buy a Bale from the dropdown menu.

All donations are tax deductible through the SJC Ancillary Fund.

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