Family Mass:
The boys are to be seated in the Hall by 9.45am for a 10am start. They are to wear their Full Blues to this. The Mass will finish at 11am approx. upon which the boys can head up to the dorms to get changed into casual clothes quickly. It is suggested that the boys bring in a set of casual clothes over the next day or two and leave them in their press in the dorms.
Spring Fair:
The Fair will begin at 11am. As mentioned above the boys can get changed into casual clothes for this. The dorms will only be open for a limited time and will not reopen until 4pm. The main building will be locked and all boys will not be able to enter it from approx. 11.30am until 4pm. I will remind the boys of this today but you may also wish to do the same.
Dress: Neat casual clothes with shoes.
A roll call will occur just before 4pm. Once their name has been marked off, the boys will be free to leave.