Student Art Exhibition

Year 7 Art at the Student Art Exhibition

Visual Arts provides a unique creative learning experience for students to explore personal insights into their world and the world of others. Our Year 7 artists have wholeheartedly engaged with drawing and painting this year in the art studio. Luscious seasonal flowers have been transformed into imaginary alien plant creatures and stunning colourful paintings of bouquet arrangements.

Our young artists have shown enormous enthusiasm in the studio. Throughout the remainder of the year we will continue to promote courage, risk-taking and experimentation in their studio practice, but most importantly an enjoyment of making artworks.

You and your family are invited to attend the opening and view the artwork your son has created at our annual Student Art Exhibition.
For parents new to the College, this large exhibition surveys the artwork of Years 7-12 students currently studying Visual Arts, and showcases the 2018 HSC Bodies of Work. All parents will have received an invitation in the mail.

Date: Friday 17th August at 6.30pm. We hope to see you and your family there.

Dress for the event: Full Blues

Additional viewing times:
Saturday 18th August, 9am-1pm
Sunday 19th August, 9am-2pm

Ms Michelle Tinta
Head of Visual Arts

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