Headmasters Assembly

At the Headmasters Assembly today, Dr. Hayes addressed the audience and began by speaking about the culture at Joeys. He described this as a College community with a shared Marist vision where the care and success of our boys is paramount. He stated that all members of the community are valued and respected and that the core beliefs of honesty, decency, humility, hard work, simplicity and presence are all part of the fabric of Joeys. This along with our wonder traditions that have been formed over the last 138 years make this a very special place. Dr. Hayes thanked the boys and the families for their on going commitment and dedication to College life and reiterated the need to never drop our standards.

Dr. Hayes then talked about the importance of prayer and lined this to the drought. He stated that “prayer doesn’t change things, it changes people and people change things”. Our prayers will not change this drought but they can surely bring about awareness and action and this can certainly help many people navigate their way through this very difficult time.

We heard from two Year 12 boarders Angus and Ben who are both from northwest NSW. The boys shared a personal reflection on the impact of the drought on their farms and encouraged us all to dig deep this weekend and support those on the land. Their stories were quite sad and really showcased the devastating impact that this drought is having on our rural communities.

A Story on Resilience

This week, the boys heard about Alex Johnson who plays for the Sydney Swans. Being an Swans fan I briefly mentioned his story to the boys at our year meeting on Tuesday. This was followed up by a more in-depth discussion today at the Headmasters Assembly and then at lunch.

Alex is 26 years of age and has been a member of the Swans squad for a 8 years, however, he plays his first match in 6 years tomorrow. He last played in the 2012 Grand Final where the Swans were fortunate enough to beat Hawthorn (cheer cheer the red and the white!) but has not played a match since. The reason for this being countless knee injuries. You may have heard about his story in the media of recent days as Alex now makes a return to the AFL this weekend when the Swans play Collingwood at the SCG. Alex has had to overcome five knee reconstructions and 12 knee operations in total, all this and he is only 26 years of age.

Now you may be reading this and wondering what is the point that I am trying to make here and I don’t blame you to be honest as I am rambling a bit. But this story inspired me and hopefully it will inspire your boys. This is one of true grit, determination and resilience. This young man has overcome countless setbacks and managed to persevere. He has been stoic in his discipline to achieve his goals and has not let obstacles get in his way. His dedication and resilient approach will now reap pleasing dividends and he should be viewed as a role model for our young men. At the start of the term, I addressed the boys and mentioned that Resilience was going to be one of my main goals/themes for the term. Too often, when things get tough, we give up and each and every one of us is guilty of this. The boys were encouraged today to remain focused on their goals and to not give up. They were reminded that the benefits will come from hard work and that by displaying resilience and true grit, great things can happen.

Multiple Point Scorers Last Weekend

Under 13’s


Oscar Jorgensen – 2 tries
Patrick Young – 2 tries
Hwi Sharples – 7 conversions


Oliver Burnett – 2 goals

Parkinson’s Disease

Ben Creighton and his brother Tom (Year 11) are raising funds for Parkinson’s disease; a cause that is very dear to their family. The boys are collecting cans and bottles at the rugby this weekend and have bins marked with the poster above. Please support this cause by placing used cans and bottles in these bins. There is also a bin on the landing in the Year 7 dorms.

Award Recipients

Congratulations to the boys above on receiving their award for Academic effort from their teachers last term.

Special Guest at Rugby Training

Damian Fitzpatrick (Waratah and Old Boy) joined the 13A’s training session today and spent some time working with the coaches and the boys. We wish the boys all the best for the weekend in their big match against Kings.

Boarders night out

Last Saturday the boarders ventured out to experience an AFL match. For some this was their first time watching a game of AFL live. The boys had a great time and managed to snag a ball or two in the Kick to Kick after the match.

Birthdays this week

Ben turned 13 on Tuesday

Ben turned 13 on Saturday

Jack turned 13 last Friday

Happy birthday boys!!!!

Trial Boarding

Dear Parents of Year 7 Day Students,

You may already be aware of the availability of the trial boarding program for Day Students here at Joeys and quite a number of boys have already taken it up with more already booked in. However, being the start of Semester 2 I thought it might be a good idea to remind you in case you are interested in a trial during Terms 3 or 4.

Current Day Students that would like to experience boarding life at the College are able to do so for 3 weeks, free of boarding fees. During this time the boy and his family will be able to assess if boarding is the right option for them.

Full details are available on the College website here: http://www.joeys.org/boarding/trial-boarding/ or let me know if you have any questions. To apply, please email the Head of Boarding, Mr John Reading: jreading@joeys.org

Joeys vs Kings Fundraiser


Joeys and King’s have a long tradition of schoolboy sport and membership of the AAGPS. They are two of Australia’s largest and longest serving boarding schools, with their roots embedded in regional NSW.

On Saturday, Joeys and King’s unite to not only enjoy spirited competition between our great schools, but to raise much needed funds for Rural Aid Australia. In the lead up to game day, students, Old Boys, and parents of both schools are asked to come together and donate for those in drought stricken areas.
To make your Donation, visit www.joeys.org/donate

The joint Joeys and King’s initiative will see 100% of all donations going to Rural Aid Australia. These funds will provide urgent aid for drought affected farmers. To make your donation, click the button below and select Rural Aid Australia – Buy a Bale from the dropdown menu.

All donations are tax deductible through the SJC Ancillary Fund.

Summer Sport

With only 4 weeks of Winter Sport remaining it is now time to start discussing with your son his Summer Sport option. Trials for this will start at the beginning of Week 5 so your son will need his equipment for this sport. The boys need to make their Summer Sport selection by Tuesday next week and complete an this online. Many have done this already and I will send instructions to the boys on how to do this.