Joeys Year 7 2019

Year 7 by the numbers in 2019

151: number of students in Year 7 88: number of different primary schools represented in Year 7 2,036: points scored by Year 7 rugby teams 21: points scored by Year 7 football teams (bear in mind each goal is only worth 1!) 379: blog posts on Year 7 blog 580: number of views of the…

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Sunday at Balmoral beach

A great day at Balmoral on Sunday for the boarders and a few day students as well!

No tripping on the back ovals

One of the rules at school is that you are not allowed to trip other boys over (for obvious reasons). For some reason, boys still seem to trip over all the time, you can see an example in the video below from lunch time today.

And they’re off…

The boys are away on their first formal exam period of high school. A few nerves but the boys impressed with the mature way they approached it and cooperation with supervisors. Languages this morning and PDHPE this morning.

NCSS Coding competition

During Term 3, students in Year 7 Technology, and Year 9 and 10 Information and Software Technology, were invited to participate in the National Computer Science School’s Coding Challenge organised through Sydney University. It is the first time that Year 7 and 9 students have been involved in the competition here at the College. Over…

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Year 7 2019 What textbooks can I sell?

English: Hitler’s Daughter Ranger’s Apprentice History: Macmillan History NSW ST 4 (7&8) Religious Education: To Know, Worship and Love Year 7 Maths: Cambridge Maths NSW Year 7

Second hand book sale

Details of the second hand book sale on 3 December are below. For more details on textbooks for Year 8 2020 see this post.

Manga drawing competition winners

Congratulations to the following boys who won prizes in the recent Manga drawing competition which was held as part of the recent Shogun History and Manga Art incursion. Winners will receive a Matthew Lin print and book.

7E Maths

7E were busy this week teaching themselves how to calculate the area of irregular shapes.

Hunters Hill “Young in Art”

Congratulations to Hugo who received a “Highly Commended” award at the recent “Young in Art” exhibition. Young in Art is an Exhibition of artwork by young people from the primary and high schools in the Hunters Hill Municipality. The Exhibition will be open at Hunters Hill Town Hall: Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October from…

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Year 7 Rowers

Yesterday the Year 7 rowers had their first competition races for this season. Known as the Year 8 Quads, they had a successful day  with wins by the 1st, 5th and 6th crews.

“Hollywood” comes to Joeys: The Joeys Oscars

The Joeys Oscars see the boys compete to create a trailer for a movie based on a book they have read. Congratulations to the winners this year: Oliver and Max created a trailer for “The Walking Dead”.

From the College Counsellors: Its time we talked

Parenting Seminar Reminder 25th November Dear Parents and Carers, We wish to remind parents about the parenting seminar next week, It’s Time We Talked on Monday, 25th of November at 6pm for a 6:15pm start. It will be held in the Brother Michael Naughtin Theatre. The talk will be led by Ms Maree Crabbe, Director of the Violence…

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Year 12 rooms

Last week the boarders moved out of the Year 7 dorms and into the Year 12 rooms so that the slate on the main building can be replaced. One benefit is having the quadrangle nearby where there have been plenty of games already. You can see the progress of the roof replacement in the background.

Putt putt golf

A great night playing putt putt golf last night followed by some McDonalds on the way home. Just for the record, the Boarding Coordinator got three (3), yes THREE (3), hole-in-ones. Bad luck boys!

Collecting books for Giant Steps

Mrs Hookham’s pastoral class has recently been collecting books to give to the students at Giant Steps at Gladesville. Well done boys, what a great initiative!          

Mathematics reward

Ms Di Lorenzo’s Mathematics class enjoys a KFC and pizza lunch leave after making sure they always do their homework and bring the correct equipment to class.

All ensembles concert

Congratulations to the boys (almost all of Year 7) who performed at the ensembles concert last Friday night. The night was the culmination of the boys’ work in music this year. The night showcased the musical and vocal talents of the boys in a variety of pieces with a variety of instruments. It is even…

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College Swimming Carnival

Red house were the winners of the 28th Annual College Swimming Carnival held at Homebush last week. The boys participated in 116 events throughout the day and each boy participated in at least one event. Congratulations to Cooper who broke an incredible 4 College records in: Boys 13 100 Free Championship NT 1:00.26 Boys 13…

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Shogun History and Manga Matsuri Festival

As part of the Shogun History and Manga Matsuri Festival held in the Resources Centre, Year 7 were able to learn about Japanese historical armour and also get Manga drawing lessons from Manga artist Matthew Lin. Thanks to the Resources Centre staff for their work in providing this engaging learning opportunity for the boys.  

Caramel sponge

There was no shortage of caramel sponge cake and custard at dinner on Thursday night. Possibly Dominic needs a bigger bowl…

Ceramic sculpture

Boys in Mr Fench’s art class showing their ceramic sculptures.

2020 Textbooks

It seems way too early to be thinking about next year BUT… I did just want to explain that you may be able to save some money on textbooks which you can use instead on Christmas gifts! The 2020 textbook list and stationery lists were emailed out to you on 22/11/19. In case you missed…

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Swimming carnival age champions

Congratulations to the following boys who were age champions at the recent College Swimming Carnival: Under 12 yrs Boys: Matias Moloney 76 points, Red house Darcy Williams 72 points, Green house Tomas Moloney 40 points, Red house Under 13 yrs Boys: Cooper Portlock 100 points, Blue house Rohan Martinus (Y8) 84 points, Red house Henry…

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Year 7 Christmas appeal

Each Christmas each year group at Joeys contributes to a Christmas appeal. You may have seen this mentioned at the recent Family Mass. Year 7 have been given the opportunity to help families from a catholic school in Western Sydney whose parents will struggle to give their children special things at Christmas. The names of…

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Languages treasure hunt

In Week 4 of Term 4, all Y7 students eagerly hurried to the Park and Fields at Augustine St to take on the mighty Languages Treasure Hunt Course. Split into teams of nine and ten students, with all of the college’s languages represented in each team, the students had 40 minutes to complete the 10…

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All ensembles concert

You are warmly invited to attend the St Joseph’s College All Ensembles Music Concert on Friday 22 November at 7pm in the Br Emilian Hall. The night will feature performances from the College’s music ensembles including the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Stage Band, Big Band, Wind Ensemble, Advanced Vocal Ensemble, JVox, Chamber Strings, Year 7 String Ensemble,…

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200m freestyle

Cooper finishes the 200m free.

Backstroke record for Cooper

A third record for Cooper in the 50m backstroke: 32.78.

Butterfly 50m

Cooper gets another College record! He beat a 17 year old College butterfly record by half a second: 30.60 seconds.

50m championship

A quick race for the 50m championship. Cooper narrowly missing a College record.

Year 7 50m

Some great efforts in the 50m division event in which all boys participated. There were plenty of strong swims. There were also one or two for whom swimming is not quite their cup of tea but they put in a great effort all the same.

Cooper sets a record

In the very first race of the carnival today, Cooper Portlock smashes the College record for the 100m freestyle by 2 seconds in a personal best time. Well done Cooper!

White elephant bargain

A $1 investment at the white elephant sale today is providing hours of entertainment as HMS Year 7 sets sail in the pool.

Maths competition

Congratulations to James, William and Jamie who all received Distinction awards in the Australian Mathematics Competition earlier this year.

Academic application awards

Congratulations to the boys who received Academic Application awards at assembly last week. These awards are voted on by the boys’ teachers and have nothing to do with marks achieved but simply the effort that the boys put into their studies. Billy Blair Shaun Calingao Walker Courtney James de Szoeke James Forder Liam Hill Marek…

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