In case you missed it, below is a copy of an email sent by Mr Mark Williams on 23 June in regard to booking interviews.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will recall from a letter I sent out last term, the Year 8-10 Parent Student Teacher Interview Day is scheduled for Sunday, 2nd August [end of Week 2 in Term 3]. This day is provided for parents and carers of students across Years 8 to 10 who do not have a brother in Years 11 or 12, as interviews for these boys have already been held during Term 2.
All interviews on 2nd August will again be conducted via ZOOM Video Conference arrangements.
This email provides you with the instructions and dates for booking these interviews using an online facility, Parent Teacher Online. Please see the memo attached to this email for these details.
As listed in the attached memo, the link to be used for online booking of interviews is also provided here:
In order to successfully use this link you will need to enter the same email address that has been used to deliver this email.
All parents and carers with sons in Years 8 to 10 will be able to commence making interview bookings from 7.00am on Monday, 6th July.
ALL bookings close at midnight on Monday, 27th July.
The online booking facility will allocate at least one 6 minute gap between interviews to allow you to move to your next online interview. Once you have made bookings please print off your interview schedule and retain it for Sunday, 2nd August.
On the interview day please ensure you have the latest version of ZOOM available on your home computer, and you have the PTO site open and logged in as well. At the start of your interviews open your ZOOM software. On your list of interviews on the PTO site you will find a link next to each teacher you have booked an interview with. Select that link just prior to your interview time and it will take you directly to the Zoom meeting. The teacher will control and allow you to ‘enter’ the meeting interview of 6 minutes duration at your designated interview time. At the end of that meeting please ‘exit’ that meeting and select your next scheduled interview link just prior to that time, and so on. All interviews are due to finish at 3.30pm.
Please do not feel it is necessary to book interviews with every one of your son’s teachers. It is suggested you prioritise those subjects you feel it is important to discuss with your son’s teachers and book them in that order. Due to the number of students involved and the demand for interview bookings it is only possible to book one interview per teacher per family for each subject your son studies.
If for some reason you find you are unable to attend booked interviews please either cancel them online prior to the closing date of 27th July, or contact Mrs Bernadette Clark [9816 0816] after that closing date.
If you have any problems with completing this online booking function please contact either Mrs Clark or myself here at the College for assistance.
Kind regards,
Mark Williams.