At yesterday’s Assembly we presented our 1st Football side with their competition shirts as well as our Cross Country representatives with their singlets. Dr Mark Fenech, long time Visual Art teacher, Yr.12 Academic Coordinator and 1st X1 Football coach presented the boys with their respective shirts and singlets. Congratulations to Oliver ROBERTS and Xavier TSAGARIS on their selection in the 1st X1 Football side and Max PALENCIA RYAN on his selection in the Senior Cross Country team.  Our 3rd XV Rugby Team were also presented with their jerseys after the Assembly,  congratulations to Luke COPPING, Robbie HUNT and Miles MINTO on their selection in the side. We wish them and all our football and cross country boys every enjoyment and success for the coming season.

We were then treated to a magnificent solo performance by Nico NAPOLI on the piano which was thoroughly enjoyed and admired by all of us in attendance. Please enjoy the photos.





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