Head of the River

On Saturday, the 125th Head of the River was held at Iron Cove for the first time, due to the flooding at SIRC in Penrith. It was very tough conditions with heavy rain and winds when the first race began at 7.30am. Boys were not able to attend due to the change in venue but students who were at the College on Saturday morning watched the races in the Hall and went down to the boatshed at Tarban Creek to welcome the 1st and 2nd VIII back after their races. See video below.

The Year 10 and senior crews all competed to the best of their ability and need to be congratulated. The First VIII rowed their best race of the season, finishing a very close 4th. It was an extremely difficult last week for the rowers and their coaches, with a number of students coming down with Covid. This led to late changes in many crews.