Month: September 2022

Study collaboration rooms

One of the benefits of the evening study program at Joeys is the ability for students to collaborate when they are working on their studies. The Year 10 dorms has a number of areas where the boys can work together, including 2 dedicated collaboration rooms. Yesterday both of these rooms were fitted with new digital…Continue Reading Study collaboration rooms

Learning enrichment request

Dear Parents, Carers and Grandparents, At the beginning of next term we will commence the final exams for Year 12 with the HSC beginning  on Wednesday 12 October. We are in need of volunteers to act as Readers and/or Writers for students who have been approved for Disability Provisions.  Early next term we will also put…Continue Reading Learning enrichment request

Cyberbullying webinar for parents

In partnership with the eSafety Commissioner, the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT (CCSP) is running a free webinar designed for parents and carers of young people aged 11 to 18 years old. The webinar will include hints on how to start conversations with your child about their online friendships and positive ways to deal…Continue Reading Cyberbullying webinar for parents

PASS Golf Excursion

Year 10 PASS classes have had their golf excursion cancelled twice this year due to golf courses being too wet to play. Last Friday it was third time lucky and the boys got plenty of swings in at the Moore Park driving range….Continue Reading PASS Golf Excursion

Sustainable art

Congraulations to Henry Thomas who received a Highly Commended award in the SWAP Prize earlier this week. SWAP is a Sustainable Waste to Art Prize offered by Ryde Council. Henry’s piece “Snagged”, along with a number of other Year 10 students, was one of 70 shortlisted artworks and design objects made from upcycled waste which…Continue Reading Sustainable art