16B Football v Grammar…Continue Reading 16B Football v Grammar
16B Football v Grammar

16B Football v Grammar…Continue Reading 16B Football v Grammar
A 5:00am start for the boys travelling today for the long weekend!…Continue Reading Long weekend
Last week was National Reconciliation Week. It was a big week for our indigenous boys including our annual Reconcilation Week Assembly. Unfortunately a number of the Year 10 indigenous boys were away sick but Thomas, Keanu and D’Arcy were still able to participate….Continue Reading National Reconciliation Week
This weekend was a busy one for the boys with compulsory events on both Saturday and Sunday. It was great that the vast majority of boys attended and contributed to both. It is this attendance and contribution by all that builds the sense of community that we all enjoy and benefit from so much. Saturday…Continue Reading A Big Weekend
As usual, we had a BBQ dinner on Friday night, despite the cold. A few of the cooks needed some lessons on turning sausages but they ended up cooking a great dinner….Continue Reading Friday Night BBQ
The end of Week 4 had everything; an impressive sunset outside the Year 10 dorms, plenty of Year 10 participation in the cheering during the game against Scots, a rainbow while Year 10 were picking up rubbish in the grandstand (unfortunately no one found a pot of gold), and a full Mass on Sunday night….Continue Reading Week 4
At the College Athletics carnival all boys compete in the 100m and 200m events and then they can nominate to compete in a variety of other track and field events. As usual, it was great to see so many Year 10 boys trying a range of different events as you can see in the photos…Continue Reading College Athletics Carnival
For some boys this was their first visit to the sporting “Hall of Fame” and to the top of the tower of the main building….Continue Reading Tower
Year 10 IST students competing in a Grok Cyber Live activity. For the uninitiated, Grok is a platform which teaches computer coding. Harry finished the activity with a perfect score first (!), then Jamie, Thomas, Grant, William M, Marek and William S (all with perfect scores)….Continue Reading Grok Cyber Live
During Term 1 Year 10 were invited to apply to be peer support leaders, working with Year 7 students. They undertook some training before the holidays. This week 46 of our Year 10 boys delivered their first session to 20 Year 7 Peer Support Groups. The Year 10 boys did a great job facilitating the…Continue Reading Year 7 Peer Support