Joeys Year 10 2022 blog
Filter by topic using the categories in the menu bar. Useful reference information is in the Parent menu.
The Calendar menu has a list of key Year 10 events which you can also subscribe your electronic calendar to.
Uniform Shop trading hours
Trading hours of the Uniform Shop: [embeddoc url="–-Hunters-Hill-Trading-Hours-term-1.pdf" download="all"...
RAHT testing
Week 1 of 2022 and COVID is still impacting on schooling, however Year 10 continue to take everything in their stride. Earlier tonight the Year 10 boarders did their first mid-week surveillance...
Boarders return
Year 10 boarders returned to school last night. It was great to see them reconnecting with their mates as well as making the new students to the College welcome.
Information for Year 10
This is a copy of the document sent to all parents by email on 18 January.
About the Evening Program
This video describes the evening program which all Boarding Students do and which is optional for Day Students. Parents of day student nominate when their son is departing school each week.
Entering day student departure times
Parents of day students in Year 10 nominate the departure time of their son each day as either 5:00pm or 8:00pm or 9:00pm. This is done either on a weekly basis or for the whole term. The system for...
Use of mobile phones at Joeys
Your son’s communication with you while he is not in your care is very important, both for you and him. For the boarders, having a chat to you on the phone regularly is essential. At times there are...
Textbook list
The textbook list below is in the format of an order form for Campion Books, however you can source the books from anywhere. One benefit of using Campion is that they will deliver to the College for...
Stationery list
Below is the recommended stationery list. Please note that the Uniform Shop does hold some stationery supplies, however, you might find that you can pick up the items at a better price if you get...
Vaping / E-cigarettes
Below is a link to an interview on the Today show that the husband of our Nursing Unit Manager and also coach of the 13B's rugby, Professor Matthew Peters, did on the today show about vaping. Below...