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Month: March 2023 Posts


The Year 12 volleyball court has been the scene of some of the most intense volleyball competition in recent days. Forget about exams, the only thing that matters is who can spike the ball harder,...

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Year 7 and Year 12 Mass

Year 7 and Year 12 Mass

Each Wednesday morning before school Father Gavin celebrates Mass for staff and students. Last week was a special Mass where Year 12 attended Mass with their Year 7 buddy. The Chapel was full as...

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Construction in Year 12

Construction in Year 12

There is currently a major construction project occurring in the Year 12 precinct with the erection of a net on the volleyball court. It is happening between the half yearly exams and we are looking...

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Headmaster’s assembly

Headmaster’s assembly

Today's assembly was a special occasion to celebrate International Women's Day and to hear from a remarkable woman who has achieved great success in her field. Suzanne Storrie shared her personal...

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Robotics Competition

Robotics Competition

A group of Year 11 and 12 students are competing in the FIRST Robotics Competition. They are preparing their robot for the Regional Championships in Wollongong in March. The following students are...

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Half yearly exams

Half yearly exams

The boys are just commencing the first of their half yearly exams: English. It is good practice for them with external exam supervisors and exactly the same conditions they will have during the...

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Cricket v Grammar

Cricket v Grammar

The 1st XI set Grammar 130 to chase yesterday at home at the Park. Joeys managed to bowl brilliantly and it came down to Grammar needing 3 runs from the last 3 balls. As has become common for them...

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