At a milestone special assembly, we officially launched the College’s Reconciliation Action Plan and first ever Joeys Indigenous jersey for Nation
Following an Acknowledgement of Country by Ethan Hart and Kobi Ashby, boys across all year groups performed a variety of dances signifying a belonging to country, culture and heritage.
“The College’s Reconciliation Action Plan serves as our pledge to ensure our school is and remains a culturally safe and supportive environment,” Director of Mission Mrs Lesley Maher said.
Old Boy Isaiah AhSee (2021) and Kylie Tarleton (mother of Cooper (2018) and Mackai (Y12)) addressed Joe-Boys, describing how the design and artwork of the inaugural Indigenous rugby and football jerseys were created. These jerseys will be worn by our First rugby and football teams at this weekend’s game against St Ignatius’ College Riverview.
“These jerseys speak to a school that respects and is proud of its diverse culture. As an Indigenous Old Boy, I am proud to have been part of this journey,” Isaiah said.
Celebrating our Indigenous heritage and formally presenting and launching our Reconciliation Action Plan and our historic Indigenous Firsts jersey, are certainly landmark events in the living history of St Joseph’s College.