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Around the grounds: Timber

To start off the year, the Year 9 Timber class are completing their workshop safety tests. In the meantime, they are constructing a wooden puzzle to hone their skills before embarking on production of a wooden stool. This project allows the student to experience many...

Around the grounds: Drama

Year 9 Drama are embarking on their first unit of work: ‘The Actor’s Tools’. They are learning and performing in the Drama Studio, recording and reflecting on their learning in the Drama log book and beginning to take the journey to feeling confident on stage....

academic achievement awards for 2022

At the recent Headmasters Assembly, we formally congratulated those students who received an Academic Achievement Award for their efforts in 2022. These awards are voted on by teachers based on the effort that the boys apply to their studies.

singing practice

On Friday, the boys took part in singing practice in preparation for our Family Mass of Commissioning. There’s something special about listening to twelve hundred boys singing in unison.