The Woolf Within

1 08 2014

Please watch this video clip to have a greater understanding of what restorative justice is.


What is your opinion? Do you think that this is a realistic way to enforce rehabilitation?


Please post your response below.




12 responses to “The Woolf Within”

    1 08 2014
      mobrien (15:23:37) :     

    You need to write a detailed response to the question.

    1 08 2014
      jackj (15:28:09) :     

    justice is portrayed in this video through how the man that was robbed still shows sympathy towards the criminal and generally wants to help him instead of him just hitting rock bottom and potentially killing himself or hurting others

    1 08 2014
      shanikwa (18:50:07) :     

    justice is portrayed in film the Woolf within through how the man that was robbed still shows sympathy towards the criminal and generally wants to help him instead of him just hitting rock bottom and potentially killing himself or hurting others while the criminal didn’t know that it hurts their feelings when he robbed them or damage their property and he was happy to go to jail because he though their would be more drugs their since he has been addicted to them since he was 10 years old.

    1 08 2014
      sams (19:02:10) :     

    justice was displayed in the video through a man who gave a criminal a second chance of life. when the criminal when into the jail after doing a felony and did a restorative justice with the house owner. the house owner realised to the criminal that if he destroyed his dreams because of his acts, and the criminal realised how much harm he is doing to people and realising that he was was for the blame. the justice was displayed when the house owner wanted to help the criminal to get his life onto a good track and to get him off the drugs and off the alcohol and become a better man

    4 08 2014
      travisb (12:18:10) :     

    justice is depicted int he film ‘woolf within’ by the showing that you don’t need to kill or hurt someone for something they did to you, even though they were in the wrong. The man in the film who was robbed felt sorry for the man who did and wanted to help him and show that he has sympathy towards him. i believe that this is a good way to rehabilitating people.

      4 08 2014
        mobrien (13:22:01) :     

      This is a really appropriate way to view restorative justice. I also think that this type of retribution is useful in some cases of rehabiliation.

    4 08 2014
      Jack Biddle (21:28:50) :     

    In this little you tube clip, Justice is shown though the use of remorse and forgiveness. The person’s house that has been broken into has forgiven the man who broke in and has given him a chance to understand what he has done and given him a chance to realize his feelings and take them on board in order to improve himself as a human being.

    5 08 2014
      Bill (11:06:46) :     

    this clip shows us the “wolf within” as the name tells us of a man that had fallen on hard times and that re-hab helped with his ‘wolf within’
    i think haw re-hab should be in forced through insight and show them some others that have seen there ‘wolf within’ and with that hopefully they will see that they can un do there wrongs.

    5 08 2014
      daltz (11:22:15) :     

    The youtube clip ‘woolf within’ depicts justice through the way the robber is portrayed at the start compared to the end. The clip shows that Woolf had done the wrong thing and wanted to change, he gets the help from the man who was the victim. Hopefully the Woolf can soon be forgiven for what he has done.

    5 08 2014
      Alex (11:28:36) :     

    In this youtube clip it shows us a man, who had picked up an addiction to both alcohol and drugs. He would participate in crimes in order to fuel his addiction, on one occasion he was caught by the owner of the house he was trying to steal from. He was put through a rehab program in which he feels that he has genuinely changed as a person and recommends it strongly to other people.

    5 08 2014
      Alex (11:30:46) :     

    Justice is shown through this clip through the use of remorse and forgiveness. The owner of the man shows sympathy of the accused and wants to see a personal change in him.

    5 08 2014
      smith55 (11:39:30) :     

    In this clip woolf within justice is shown through the way the robber is portrayed at the start of the video. The video shows that the robber is sorry for the damage and what he has caused. The help from the man is all that the robber needs to pull him self together and become a reformed man.

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