
Scurge of Jericoh by Stuart Daly

Filed Under (Uncategorized) by on December 1, 2011

Review by Harrison Fricott

This book is based in 1666 where you follow the story of Jakob von Drachenfels who through his determination to join the Hexenjäger, a group of witch hunters, forges his letters of recommendation. In this book he has to retrieve a biblical relic of immense power from a witch infested castle, but to their surprise the forces of Satan (Lucifer whatever you call him) are not their only enemies in this cursed ground.

This book is non-stop actions from start to finish with twists and plot at every corner it is not to be missed. It is the kind of historical novel I like to read – one that has its roots firmly in the factual events of seventeenth century Germany, but also manages to include a healthy dose of dark fantasy.


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