
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

Filed Under (Uncategorized) by on December 2, 2011

By Charlie Howard

Stephanie a 13 year old girl couldn’t be more shocked when she realises that she is living in a world of magic and adventure. This ordinary girl discovers what she is really capable with the help of her new found detective friend Skulduggery Pleasant. Together they stop the Faceless ones from entering this world with the help of a few old friends and new.

This book i think is a great lead up to the rest of the books in the series. It was a very challenging book to review because it is a journey not a story, of an outcast girl coming into a community where she felt accepted. The adventures were perfect ways to relate to us because a lot of them were in everyday places. Because of this you have to look at it at a completely different way but to be honest I am not sure what that way is.

This gripping book is just what I look for after siting in classes all day with its sense of humour and gripping adventure.


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