
Cherub: The Recruit by Robert Muchamore

Filed Under (Uncategorized) by on May 15, 2012

The recruit is a book about these amazing kids who are spies. They go on cool secret missions and hard-core training exercises and help stop the bad guys. They work for a secret government agency called CHERUB.

What I loved about this book was that the story felt realistic, not just the concept of spies, but the characters as well. Yes, these kids are spies, on secret missions for the government, but they still act like kids. James hates school, and just wants to just play on his PlayStation, eats way too many Mars bars and gets distracted by a cute girls all the time. I definitely felt I was reading about real kids, and the author got the balance between trained spies and normal 12-year-old behavior just right.

In conclusion this is a great book and encourage everybody to have a go and read it. The author has done a really great job in all the parts of the book, he has used great language, and he used lots of descriptive language and has lots of emotive language to give the reader a great picture. It is a very short read and a very interesting storyline. You should LOVE it.

I Recommended Reading Age: 11+


Book Reviewed by Isaac Riley

This book is available in BLRC at: F MUC

Review 2:

CHERUB: The Recruit book is the opening book of a series of books called “CHERUB” This series focus’ around James Onions (James Adams). A ten year old who is a constant Arsenal FC fan, has a raging temper, lives to be the ‘hard guy’ and wants to be accepted with everyone. One day everything goes pear shaped when James arrives home from school to find his mum dead. After a few weeks of shifting a few children’s homes. James arrives at a place called “CHERUB” which does not actually exist. Is this a new start for James? What will happen next? YOU have to read this book find out.
‘The Recruit is a great start for the CHERUB series with young teenagers wanting more, I would rate this book 9.99999/10’

You can buy this book from any good book store or borrow it from the resources centre.

Reviewed by Nick Cusack

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