
Just a Dog by Michael Gerard Bauer

Filed Under (Uncategorized) by on May 16, 2012

I just finished reading ‘Just a Dog’ by Michael Gerard Bauer. I think it was a great book because it had many great stories about a dog called  Mister Mosely who ended out bringing the family together. The stories are written by the eldest child, Corey. It tells how Mister Mosely was the thing that completed their family. The dog stopped them from fighting and when ever they were in need he was there. Mister Mosely was very patient when people teased him or did things to him. He just waited until they stopped. Mister Mosely made the whole family happy. That is what’s important.

9 out of 10

Reviewed by Aaron Murrant

This book is available in the BLRC at: F BAU

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