Why The Change….

Why did we change the sign in process?
My aim for doing this is to allow parents (and later external coaches) a single sign in. This means that parents once you have signed in you can immediately access JNet (our internal Internet for staff and students) and access the following

Careers web site
Parent documentation – Assessment booklets etc
Video web site
Access to photos
News Web Site

All the best

Gary Evans

Parent Portal Back ONLINE

The portal has now been brought backonline. We have made some changes to the recover password section
Recover Password:
There is a refresh button for users to obtain a different code in case they cant read the one they are trying to type
When the email is sent with the USers ID Number and temporary password… the temporary password is now a 7 digit number for ease of writing or typing it in
For detailed LOG IN instructions — Click Here

Parent Portal Site

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are in the process of moving ALL Parents to a new LOG IN system. This will of course have an impact on your current log in to the parent portal.

The new system provides you with a single sign in which will then let you access:-

• Parent Portal
• All web based calendars (We are moving away from the multiple paper copies)
• Video
• Photos
• Access to the multiple forms – Colo, medical, Assessment handbooks etc

What does it all mean ???? Once you log into the Portal you will no longer require another password to enter the “Forms Sections” or Web based calendars etc

This Wednesday and Thursday the Portal will be OFFLINE while the changes are implemented. From Friday you will be able to log back in BUT you will need to create a NEW password again. Unfortunately we could not bring your current passwords into the new system.

If you are having problems please contact our HELP DESK on 9816-0901 (Mrs Bernadette Clark – 9.30 to 2.00pm ) and we will be able to help.