Dear Parents and Guardians,
As another year has drawn to a close I would like to provide some information for you…
College Reports:
At the end of every term reports will be available to you. This will be the same day that the College mails them (snail mail) they will be available to you online via the Portal (Normally about 1pm)
In 2011 Years 7 and 10 will be supplied a laptop by the school in our 1:1 Learning program rollout ( )
Boys moving into Years 11 and 12 will be able to use their own private laptops on the College network.
Boys in Years 8 and 9 (2011) will not be required to have laptops. In 2012 they will be supplied with laptops. I would suggest that parents hold off buying your son a laptop in 2011 as he does not require one for day to day classroom use. Access to Computer labs will be more available due to the number of students in years 7 and 10 not requiring access to these in 2011.
Mobile Broadband
The College requests that parents DO NOT buy mobile internet cards for laptops. Once you do this you immediately give students FULL unregulated access to the internet. Provision of these unnecessary mobile internet connection is not conducive to the routines for study and may lead to use of this access for social networking (e.g. Facebook and gaming) at inappropriate times and can be distracting and potentially detrimental to his study program at the College
The Boys at Joeys can access whatever is required via the College network even on their private student network. Please don’t be ‘conned’
Mobile Phones:
Many mobile phones by default come with internet access allowing students again to be ‘facebooking’ at any time. This is not a huge problem at Joeys but here and at home in his bedroom students simply use it at inappropriate times. If you have the ability it may be wise to check your sons phone records and have a look at the times that he maybe texting……. You may be surprised with what you find; however, if this is being used appropriately it should not be an issue for your son.
Social Networking and Gaming Times @ Joeys
From time to time I’m asked what we do to allow students access to social networking sites (Facebook etc.) and games. Access to the internet is available at all times Our current response to social networking is as follows:
Years 7 to 12 inclusive
Social networking and gaming is available from 3.30 to 5.30 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday
Accessed is blocked during Study Monday to Friday
Access is opens at the following times for students in particular Year groups
- Years 7 and 8 opens from 8pm to 9.00pm
- Years 9 and 10 opens from 9pm to 9.45pm
- Years 11 and 12 opens from 9.30pm to 10.30pm
The College Internet access is discontinued between 10.30pm to 6.00 am for all students.
Portal Access
The College Portal allows parents to access sites within the College.. the following is available after entry to the portal is obtained
Access to your sons
- reports,
- timetables,
- teachers names,
- day boy departure times and
- Weekend leave forms
- Sports reports
- JNet
And can only be accesses via the Portal. Please access this via, select the link JOEYS ONLINE (at the top of the web site). You can use this access for other management matters such as resetting your password.
Parents new to the College are now able to access the Portal. Please log on at some stage to make sure that you can access the portal.
Merry Christmas