Backing Up of Sons Laptop

Dear Parents and Guardians,

 I have had a small number of parents ask about the backing up of laptops and what they should buy for their son(s)

 We have developed our own backup program here at Joeys which backs up the Mac Drive, Windows Drive and main ‘Data’ Drive in one go.

 The minimum size for the portable drive required is 250 Gigabyte (Gb)

 You can get these anywhere you like – Big W, Target, Dick Smith, Office Works  JB HIFi etc

 I have included one sample on the link below —-  Western Digital 500Gb  for $79. After Christmas sales, etc maybe a good time to buy one.

 Some Points to Note:

  • Must be windows 7 compatible (Please don’t buy a MAC formatted only one – If it has MAC software as well that’s fine)
  • Use the Joeys software – provided on your sons laptop – don’t load the software that comes with the portable drive
  • 500 GB should cost you about $79  Its NOT imperative that you have one for the very first day next year…. Don’t rush out and buy one for twice as much.  Keep an eye out for the sales.
  • Western Digital or Seagate are good brands

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