Not that Cass and I work too hard but both of us slept from tarmac to tarmac – my kind of flight. Today has been a blast and we’ve met some great people already. My immediate response is “OMG we are MILES behind on so many levels but quite forward thinking on others”. I’ll blog more later on these extended thoughts to give the ICT committee something to chew on tomorrow morning.
Just a personal aside to all this – I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Cass today, what a fantastic person. We all have great friends on staff and others whom we only nod too on a corridor. Sometimes we’re all too busy to build personal relationships with the people we work with but it would be great if we took the time…I know I’m feeling guilty that I haven’t joined the staff association yet. I made some amazing contacts and talked to some amazing people today all before the conference started properly, and all because for once I had the chance to sit down and converse with no time constraint. The wine helped!