A few years ago I was lucky enough to go to a conference in Spain and there was a presentation from one of the conference participants speaking about how the unversity was closed down by Typhoon Katrina – their solution was to put all their courses online – they were up and running within two weeks – classes continued, students learned and interacted online. At the time I wrote an article titled “do we need a Typhoon Katrina to go online?’. here at Joeys I want to commend the many teachers who have embraced iLearn and testing the waters, some have put up a great deL of learniNG material and developed interactive learning experiences such as using the wiki and blog, while others are just dipping their toes in. There is a great deal of evidence coming out that if students have access to learning materials (including audio recordings of classes) their scores will improve and it suits the anywhere , anytime approach that they love (see connected student post) but that aside for many of our students they are having their own Katrina moments it may be that they are ill (as is the case with several students at Joeys) maybe their family situation is making it difficult for them to concentrate in class or it may be just that they have had an off day – wouldn’t it be nice that they could revisit the learning material, rehear a teacher presentation, follow up on class notes even access notes taken by other students so that they can catch up when they are ready adn stay engaged with what is happening in the class. Blended learning is such a wonderful opportunity!