There is talk by presenters here at the conference that if we do not change our approaches to pedgagoy and learning envrionment then schools will become irrelevant. a report from Denmark found that students are continuously connected epsecially during the hours of 11- 11.30 am, 1-1.45 and after 3.30 ie whenever they are NOT in class. We assume that they are wasting time and spending time playling mindless games. But in fact that is THEIR way of communicating. Don’t get me wrong as adults we have a duty to say – look guys stop now it is time to chill out or go throw a ball etc but I do computer duty in the Year 7 rooms. The boys are sitting in groups, discussing game strategy, laughing about what others are putting on facebook (yes I check it is nothing too nasty etc) – they ARE communicating. I spent a bit of time on the weekend encouraging Luca to take up a book and read and he promptly pointed out (in the most cohesive argument I have ever heard him present – knew going to debating every week would do him well) that when he played games he was thinking, he WAS porblem solving, he WAS reading about online cheats and game strategy etc. Okay he still was told to go and read for a change but he did have a point. Wouldn’t it be great if we could capture this eagerness for communicating, problem solving and reading in all our classes. In the recent Student survey about the 1:1 one of the students said in class I go to site that my teacher tells me to go when I am at home I go to sites where I think I can learn best. The question is are we teaching enough digital literacy and deep understanding so that when I student self selects the sites they go to – they are in fact sites that will help their learning.