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US College / University Information Sessions

• Friday 26 August 6.30 – 8.30 pm
New York University Abu Dhabi @
Quay Grand Suites, 61 Macquarie Street, East Circular
Rsvp essential to nyuad@bkk.iie.org by August 23

• Monday 29 August 6.00 – 7.30 pm
Columbia, Princeton, Georgetown, Northwestern @
Cranbrook School, War Memorial Hall, Bellevue Hill
Rsvp to DBerridge@cranbrook.nsw.edu.au

• Monday 12 September
University of Pennsylvania (Two sessions)
Session 1: 3.30 – 5.00pm at MLC School, Rowley Street, Burwood (Learning Centre, Level 3)
Rsvp to ltoole@mlcsyd.nsw.edu.au
Session 2: 6.30 – 8.00pm at Roseville College, 27 Bancroft Avenue, Roseville (Joy Yeo Auditorium)
Rsvp to Sydney@educationusa.info

Individual advice on applying to Universities and Colleges in the USA
A reminder that students interested in studying in the USA are encouraged to book a free advice session with the US Consulate’s Education USA Advising Centre in Sydney. Details are at http://www.educationusa.info/sydney
Students applying to USA universities have to write the SAT test. Students are also encouraged to visit the SAT website and register to receive the free daily practice test question at http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-question-of-the-day See also

Mrs Charters
Careers Counsellor

under: Careers

Last Thursday, the 11th of August, an energetic and keen foursome of Year 10 students travelled with Mr Halsted to Tara Anglican Girls School to debate in a History Debate.

The team, consisted of:

1. Jack Cullen
2. Nick Findlay
3. Alex McRae
4. Will Flannery

The topic debated was “That Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War was a mistake.” The St Joseph’s team argued the much more demanding negative side of the topic and although Joeys put up a spirited argument surrounding the notion that condemnation in History is an arrogant and morally loaded construct, the Tara girls were more prepared and deserved their victory. The disappointment of the loss was softened by an excellent supper afterwards with the Tara debaters, their coach and supporters.
Although Joeys came second on the day, we can be still very proud of our debaters for their efforts!

Mr Mark Halsted

under: Academic, General

Semester 1 Academic Excellence Awards / Term 2 Study Effort Awards

Congratulations to the following Year 10 boys for an outstanding effort in their academic studies last semester.

There were 7 boys who received an Academic Excellence Award for achieving an A-grade (90% or more) in at least 5 of their subjects in the Semester One Report.

Max Beavis
Christopher Cooper
Leo Frost
Christopher Kocx
Liam Ryan
Alexander Tegart
William Flannery

The following 24 students received a Study Effort Award for Term 2 for consistent application in class, consistent completion of set tasks/homework, punctuality and preparation for class and consistent engagement in class:

Jonathan Abood Kurt Gallacher Benjamin Mulherin
Max Beavis Henry Hannell Liam Ryan
Jack Courts William Harris Liam Schwager
Henry Courts Patrick Hughes Angus Smith
Andrew Deegan Christopher Kocx Peter Styles
Troy Devine Daniel Lewis Kieran Tate
Matthew Fitzgerald James Maffey Alex Walsh
Myles Fowler Matthew Moxon Cooper Wilks

It is very positive to see a number of boys receiving these awards who have improved considerably in their academic studies since Year 9. I continually encourage the Year 10 boys to, as the school motto states, ‘strive for better things’ so any student is capable of achieving a Study Effort Award if they just apply themselves in class and be consistent in their work ethic throughout the term.

Mr Fergus Stewart
Year 10 Academic Coordinator – 2011

under: Academic

Dear Year 10 Parents and Carers

As you are aware your son will soon be required to make subject selections for his Preliminary and HSC courses of study for 2012 – 2013. In order to facilitate the process, we have developed a page in the iLearn Student Portal for you to access. This page contains relevant documentation and presentations from key faculty members to assist your son in his decision making.

Please follow the instructions below and you should be able to get into the Subject Selections for Year 11 – 2012 & Year 12 – 2013 area.

I have attached some screen shots to assist you. If you need further assistance please contact Ms Thea van Os on email – tvanos@joeys.org

Kind regards

Lee MacMaster

Accessing Year 11 (2012) Subject Selection Page in iLearn Student Portal

1. Go to the Joeys Parent Portal Page : http://www.joeys.org
2. Click on JOEYS online
3. Click on “TO BEGIN A NEW SESSION – please log in here”
4. Put in your Parent Portal Password (your id number and password)
5. Click on the link to iLearn on the side Navigation Bar menu.
6. Enter the generic username (joeys) and password (parent)
7. You will arrive at the MAIN iLearn Page
8. Click on the Yr 11 2012 Subject Selection link on the left hand side of the page
(this is page https://ilearn.joeys.org/homepage/2056).
9. Once you have entered this area you will see presentations and document to assist you and your son.
NOTE: If you are asked for an additional password, please look carefully if it is asking you for the Joeys password (your unique parent username and password given to you when you son enrolled at the College) or the iLearn generic username and password (username: joeys and password: parent)

Mr Lee MacMaster
Director of Teaching and Learning

under: Academic

Career Voyage Workshops

Posted by: | July 29, 2011 | 1 Comment |

Career Voyage Workshops

All Year 10 St Joseph’s College students complete a Career Voyage Program in preparation for their Year 10 into 11 subject selection interviews. The Career Voyage Program guides students through a structured, individualised reflection of their values, interests and academic skills.

The program is completed during one evening session. These sessions are held in weeks 3 and 4 (Term 3). Your son has received notification of the evening session during which he will complete his Career Voyage Program. The workshops are from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. Students have been allocated a date but should they be unable to attend the workshop on the allocated date there will be a ‘catch-up’ session on the evening of Thursday 11th August.

The Career Voyage Program was developed by Robert Allwell and Associates and is used in many AIS schools. Information about the program is available at http://www.allwell.com.au/html/

Lorna Charters
Careers Counsellor

under: Academic, Careers

Dear Parents and Carers

There has been an issue with the logon to the iLearn portal. Apologies for the inconvenience but there was an issue with the double sign on that was not picked up in our testing.

Please follow the instructions below and you should be able to get into the Exam Preparations area.

I have attached some screen shots to assist you. Again if you need further assistance please contact Ms Thea van Os on email – tvanos@joeys.org

Kind regards

Lee MacMaster

Accessing Examination Preparation Pages in iLearn Student Portal

1. Go to the Joeys Parent Portal Page : http://www.joeys.org
2. Click on JOEYS online
3. Click on TO BEGIN A NEW SESSION – please log in here
4. Put in your Parent Portal Password (your id number and password)
5. Click on the link to iLearn on the side Navigation Bar menu.
6. Enter the generic username (joeys) and password (parent)
7. You will arrive at the MAIN ILearn Page
8. Click on the Examination Preparation Pages
(this is page https://ilearn.joeys.org/homepage/2100)
9. Once you have entered this area you will see links to pages that contains exam study guides
for each year level.

under: Academic

Winning Edge Strategies

Ten Keys to Achieving Success

V Develop the ability to control the way you think in EVERY situation.

v Life is made up of 10% WHAT happens to you and 90% how you THINK about what happens to you.

v Everything in life happens for a reason. Always search out the LESSON and OPPORTUNITY in every situation.

v Take responsibility for your own life. Don’t blame other people or circumstances for where you are or how you got there.

v Every choice you make has consequences. It is your CHOICES that determine the RESULTS you get.

v Never be afraid to SUCCEED. Set high goals, believe in yourself, get motivated and achieve them.

v Never question your ABILITY. It’s your BELIEF in your ability that determines your success.

v Be PERSISTENT. Be persistent. Be persistent. If success were easy everyone would be doing it.

v The only limitations you have are those that you place upon yourself.

v Whether a person thinks they can, or whether a person thinks they can’t, they are always right.


under: Academic, General

Dear Parents,

In an earlier blog posting, I had mentioned that the online bookings were to be finalised by the end of the Term One holidays. This was incorrect and I apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused.

The current online bookings for senior students and their siblings, opened for country parents on Friday 6/5 and for metropolitan parents on Wednesday 11/5. They will close for all parents of these boys on Wednesday 25/5. The Years 11-12 parent/teacher/student interview day for senior students and their siblings is scheduled for Term 2 Week 4 (Sunday 29th May 2011).

The PIN’s for the junior parent/teacher/student interview bookings will be sent to the parents of junior students later this term. The Years 7-10 parent/teacher interviews are scheduled for Term 3 Week 2 (Sunday 31st July 2011).


Mr Stewart

under: Academic

Parents and students. Year 10 subject selection events at the University of Sydney

Parents and students are invited to this free event at the University of Sydney. I suggest registering on-line at 5pm Monday 16 May when registrations open – in my experience these events fill within hours.

Dates: 6 and 8 June 2011
Time: 6pm
Venue: Eastern Avenue Auditorium, Camperdown Campus

This popular event is a valuable opportunity for students and their parents to learn about:

ATAR, scaling and university entrance
subject selection
career pathways
university transition.

Registrations will open at 5pm on Monday, 16 May 2011 and places to fill up quickly. Visit the website for more information. http://sydney.edu.au/future_students/domestic_undergraduate/year_10_evening/

A podcast will be made available for those unable to attend either of the Information Evenings.

Mrs Lorna Charters (Careers Counsellor)

under: Careers

Dear Year 10 Parents and Guardians,

During the first week of the Term One holidays you will receive a copy of your son’s Term One  Interim Report, which allows teachers an opportunity to give parents some general academic feedback on their son’s progress at this stage of the semester (grades allocated to conduct in class, effort in class, homework and progress).

It is also an opportunity for you to discuss your son’s performance. In particular, it allows you to discuss his academic strengths (which areas he is working well in), as well as identifying areas that require more focus next term. One area might be utilising the evening study sessions more effectively or making greater use of the classroom teacher for extra support if required. Most boys have worked extremely well all term judging by the grades awarded. However there are a few students that need to apply themselves more rigorously in class and not influence the learning of others in a negative way (a small minority).

The report envelope you will receive by post will include the following items:

Term One Interim Report

Term Two Year 10 Assessment Schedule

Board of Studies Booklet: “2011 School Certificate – Rules and Procedures” (one copy to the primary contact – Students will receive an electronic copy via email)

Classroom photo order form/envelope.

Next term, the boys will receive updated information on the correct way of backing-up their school data on their laptops. Could I please ask parents to remind your son not to use their external hard drive as the only source of backing-up data. They must use the ‘my documents’ section on the Windows side which is automatically backed-up at school on a regular basis throughout the school day. They will receive updated instructions on the Mac side early next term (follow-on from the laptop roll-out day at the start of Term One).

Congratulations to the 30 boys who will receive a Study Effort Award for Term One. A wonderful achievement and thoroughly deserved, especially to the 5 new boys (Nicholas Cumming, Henry Hannell, William Harris, Nicholas Pennisi & Angus Smith) that started in Year 10 this year.

A reminder that Mr Ross Tarlinton sent out via email to all parents with an email address a letter with important information regarding the Parent Student Teacher Interviews for 2011. It explained how the College will again this year be using an online booking facility (‘PTO Online’) to allow parents to book interviews with their son’s teachers for the two separate Interview Days scheduled for this year. Bookings need to be finalised by the end of the Term One holidays.

Please refer to the web-link below where you can access another copy of this document if required:

\\s2k3file01\staff\fstewart\Parent Student Teacher Interviews 2011.pdf

I wish you all the very best during the Easter break. May it be a safe and relaxing one for all.


Fergus Stewart

Year 10 Academic Coordinator (2011 SC)

under: Academic

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